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P. 101
Working on My Website!
• Disrepair!
• Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
Disrepair: --
I have had to ask other people to help me in solving the disrepair issues within my flat and
they have been treated with the same level of a disappointing service from the Enfield
Council and the Enfield Homes teams’ staff’s complaints departments as I have. When trying
to get the needed works completed in my flat, we get left trying.
Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
I continued working on the Too Smooth Entertainment Companies Personal: -- Key
Person(s), Staffing and I continued to Study and finish at the Time Start: 00:00 and Time
End: 00:00 I also worked on the Too Smooth Entertainment Companies management tree!
My mother worked on building my company website for me with others at the Time Start:
14:00 and Time End: 17:30!
Chapter 140
Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
Working on My Website!
• Disrepair!
• Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
Disrepair: --
The Enfield Council staff must act accordingly within their stationery duties but this does not
happen for me, when the staff are dealing with my case and as a result, they leave me to get
wrongfully perpetrated!
Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
I finished working on the Too Smooth Entertainment Companies Personal: -- Key Person(s),
Staffing and I continued to Study and finish at the Time Start: 00:00 and Time End: 00:00 I
also worked on the Too Smooth Entertainment Companies management tree!
My mother worked on building my company website for me with others at the Time Start:
14:00 and Time End: 17:30!