Page 46 - 1. 2012 New 26-05-21 No Table
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Incident Diary Enfield Council
/ Page Numbers: 4
Nuisance Record Form- Community Safety Unit Case 12856 12.07.2012
Record of noise &/or nuisance from (address of premises)
Name of occupier (if known)
Description of type of noise nuisance _______________________________________
Number of pages _____________
Record kept by name(s) ______________________________Address
I certify that the following entries are a true record of events
It is important that all information should be as accurate as possible since it may form the
basis of legal proceedings. The first line has been completed as an example for you to follow
when recording your own information Please return this form to:- Community Safety Unit, B
Block North, Civic Centre Silver Street Enfield EN1 3XA, Day and date, Time, noise, starts,
Time noise, Ends, Source of, Disturbance/ type of Noise/incident, Effect of disturbance (e.g.
sleep disturbance, headache, prevention of enjoyment of garden, damage etc.) Please write in
full any abusive language used, including swear words. Please note Police ref no’s if
applicable, Location & or Name of person causing alleged noise/nuisance, Sign, including
date and time, Monday, 1910912003, 12:13 am, 1:27am, Flat above my flat (flat number 34)
Radio noise and music, the noise stopped me (rom going to sleep and woke up my baby,
Main bedroom o my flat, J Bioggs 191912003 01:35am, PLEASE NOTE -UNSIGNED/
Si Note:
While living at my flat I started to have a few problems such as
And this meant that I had to contact my local council for support in regard to the matter.
Once I had done so I got told that the best thing that I could do was to keep a diary in regard
to the issues and this is what I did. Up above is a copy of the diary that I got sent to complete
and fill out.
As the days went by, I started to notice that I did not have enough room to keep writing in the
form that I received and the main reason being that the tables were set going downwards,
meaning that I could only write a very small amount of text in each divided division.
I understood that I had more to explain than what the incident diary could manage, and this is
how I came about building this diary.
Disrepair: --
The Enfield Homes and the Enfield Council have gotten lots of different chances of a chance
for a good early resolution(s) so to be able to fix the disrepair issues contained within my flat.
The Enfield Council's staff have agreed to take action so to be able to repairing the disrepair
problems that I complain of, but their staff seem to not follow the company’s stationery
duties of care towards my person and leave me in a worse state of living condition than must
get accepted!
Time Spent Building.
My Company: --