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being taken by myself. These issues also include some members of the public and this is also
               to be inclusive of specific people that work as representing governing officials who altogether
               achieved dissatisfaction's in my life with dishonourable intent of Join Circular. The governing
               officials who took a part in what I claim about caused Malefices of Public office against me
               which is the carriage to Targeted Malefices and up to date all parties involved have gotten put
               into receipt of the evidence of my truth found claims and yet nothing has changed for the
               right of things in my life as they must. Members of the Government officials, placed a clear
               display of deceitful lies towards my person and also about other(s) persons involved, when
               manipulating their powers of law, this misuse of their trusted powers being abused in such a
               way, got done for their own reckless self-gain and now I know that them involved officers of
               the law and involved civilians my get punished, as another person "Reader" should agree too
               as well. This misplaced behaviour by Members of the Governments Official’s got partly
               achieved, so that it would discredit me in the public's view and got endorsed, in a deceitful,
               manner, so to also aid in them police officers wrongfully taking away my liberty and security,
               so for themselves to avoid justice. Because of what has happened I now have been forced to
               suffer through the past five years of my life, now I hope this report Helps me and maybe any
               other person(s), that being said Help in reference to these issues and or any other similar
               issues, like what I do mention about within this report, so, they do not get left unattended
               towards or manipulated and then on afterwards with these goals of mine at present getting
               completed it would always mean that in the near on future problems like mine do not get
               slightly or totally avoided and then on throughout the process not corrected in a fair way and
               fair time frame. This will mean that once my problems like mine are highlighted to the
               relevant persons, as has proceeded to happen in my case load, as of so far! People will not get
               left to suffer by way of neglect, misconduct or in any form of unfair process in general. In the
               moments of the time of my complaint(s) I have got left without the problems getting resolved
               in a fair manner and by them issues not getting addressed this has caused me great sufferings,
               I know that these sorts of problems that I do mention about within my report, should never
               get left to emulate. Negative problems and crimes have gotten left to accumulate, so to arise
               without any official legal or moral grounds getting implemented, this means that at the
               earliest given points of the opportunities given to the relevant persons no person followed the
               correct protocols, I know this as I personally granted the involved person(s) all chances
               throughout the case’s history’s myself.
               I done this to resolve the issues of my official complaints in a civilized manner, with no avoid
               of creating this report. Crooked behaviour, as I can prove has got left to continue to flourish
               and should have never had happened and this is why I have continued to document what
               takes place and now this documentation, shows the truth in what members of my neighbours
               and the government’s official’s representatives have participated in and should not get
               tolerated in society, as it is wrong. As a consequence of the information and the evidence that
               I hold about them all that is contained within this official report, the police and council have
               let members of my neighbour’s getaway with criminal actions towards me; the official’s
               allowed members of my neighbours to start and continue to victimise me and this is
               inclusively of what they themselves have already done wrong.

                                                       Chapter 5

               I keep confirming to myself, what should happen next?
               Now I am sure, those involved members of neighbours should get punished by way of a
               criminal offence and this must be inclusive of the named government officials that are
               contained within this document who took part towards a down full in the stability of mine or
               any life. Those members of neighbours that get involved are the true instigators of the
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