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incidents I claim about and they caused a lot of the illegal and immoral issues that are being
               brought to attention about. Together they all involved, harshly caused illegal offences
               towards me, and they together involved, participated in making the last five years of my life a
               complete living hell and while doing so endanger my life by way of similarity of a none
               feeble future. The nature of the crime’s that members of neighbours and government officials
               committed towards me, would mean any other similar offender would face the risk of a
               custodial sentence being imposed against them and this is to explain in any other similar
               circumstances, like mine. A prison sentence being issued in pursuit of the people’s roles that
               got involved with their parts of the misconduct and illegal activities of misplaced behaviour
               to which they involved took a part of an unmoral -role against me and the United Kingdom’s
               Legal Justice System, would in fact be the correct official practice of law being implemented,
               as for what they now and then continued to do and get away with is an absinthe of an
               uncivilised person(s) actions and for people to be a large within today's modern society and
               without apprehension of the law must no proceed to allowed and this is to get shown by ways
               of legal means of must, so to prevent for them taking place again within side of this modern
               age of the state of United Kingdom's land or any other state of land, what got done was with
               criminal intentions.

                                                       Chapter 6

               A simple hope to myself; -
               To continue, I hope by way of me planning and then accomplishing my plan I will be able to
               set an example that shows why this should never happen again, to another person. This plan
               of mine will get accomplished, so to end up-being with any right-person(s) minded
               satisfaction’s, being granted in my favour. To further my plans, I intend for my next aim’s to
               be as effective as the last, what was "Preventing this from happening again" this additional
               plan of mine will be in re-gaining my revoked freedom, in a return to all of this report getting
               completed. The hope is that these goals of mine together that I have set, will help me and
               others to also re-insure to help stop any other similar events as this ever-taking place again,
               such as the torturous acts that have and still are taking place against me, by way of the people
               involved, being made to comply with my rightful right of ambitions and stop breaching my
               Human rights. This is to get achieved at the earliest opportunity by me and any other
               informed person, so I can be equal and happy to other people, so I can perform at my
               optimum levels in being successful, at completing my dreams and establishing my own
               companies, so to be able to make me live a happy and healthy life style. I want my life to end
               up being better and having a positive effect while also having a constructive impact for me
               and others at all times. This ambition is slimier to most other people’s dreams and plans and I
               believe that is to accomplish one of the most important goals set among all other people and
               that to me is to make sure that before I pass away to heaven, I can confirm that I am always a
               loving person towards others and myself, while having the most fun as possible. This
               mandatory plan will also mean to me and others that I provided. Provide for my own family
               and others; Other is to mean any further introductions of any person(s), that any person’s
               maybe fortune-net to meet and therefore come across in their or my lifetime.

                                                       Chapter 7

               I always hear people say; why did they do that?
               This book got made, with a view of letting me be able to explain my version of events. Like
               what has taken place in my life as of so far and this will get managed by way of writing and
               expressing about some struggles and happiness I have had to face along my route of life.
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