Page 85 - 1. 2012 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 85
Chapter 111
Issues with Housing Disrepair!
Working on My Website!
• Disrepair!
• Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
Disrepair: --
My front room lights kept on flickering on and off because of bad wiring and the additional
problems from the damp and non-existing heating system in my flat and this is dangerous!
Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
I continued work on my Companies Opportunities and threats and I continued to Study and
finish at the Time Start: 08:00Am and Time End: 10:00Pm!
My mother worked on building my company website for me with others at the Time Start:
09:00 Am and Time End: 02:00 Pm!
Chapter 112
Issues with Housing Disrepair!
Working on My Website!
• Disrepair!
• Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
Disrepair: --
The flats issues of concern that do get raised to the relevant persons of interest all off the
additional problems that it comes with and causes me, now leaves me agitated, because of the
lack of negligence on the tenancy lessee’s holder’s behalf / the Enfield Homes and the
Enfield Council!
Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
I continued work on my Companies Opportunities and threats and I continued to Study and
finish at the Time Start: 08:00Am and Time End: 10:00Pm!
My mother worked on building my company website for me with others at the Time Start:
09:00 Am and Time End: 02:00 Pm!