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The new regime – a brief overview Prior to the coming into force of the LRA 2002, a squatter could
               acquire the right to be registered as proprietor of a registered estate if they had been in adverse
               possession of the land for a minimum of 12 years. However, the doctrine of adverse possession did
               not fit easily with the concept of indefeasibility of title that underlies the system of land registration.
               Nor could it be justified by the uncertainties as to ownership which can arise where land is
               unregistered; the legal estate is vested in the registered proprietor and they are identified in the
               register. The LRA 2002 has created a new regime that applies only to registered land. This new
               regime is set out in Schedule 6 to the Act. It makes it more likely that a registered proprietor will be
               able to prevent an application for adverse possession of their land being completed. The following
               paragraphs provide a brief overview of the new regime; the remaining sections of this guide discuss it
               in more detail. Adverse possession of registered land for 12 years of itself will no longer affect the
               registered proprietor’s title. After 10 years’ adverse possession, the squatter will be entitled to apply to
               be registered as proprietor in place of the registered proprietor of the land. On such an application
               being made the registered proprietor (and certain other persons interested in the land) will be notified
               and given the opportunity to oppose the application. If the application is not opposed1, the squatter
               will be registered as proprietor in place of the registered proprietor of the land. If the application is
               opposed, it will be rejected unless either: it would be unconscionable because of an equity by estoppel
               for the registered proprietor to seek to dispossess the squatter and the squatter ought in the
               circumstances to be registered as proprietor the squatter is for some other reason entitled to be
               registered as proprietor, or the squatter has been in adverse possession of land adjacent to their own
               under the mistaken but reasonable belief that they are the owner of it, the exact line of the boundary
               with this adjacent land has not been determined and the estate to which the application relates was
               registered more than a year prior to the date of the application. In the event that the application is
               rejected but the squatter remains in adverse possession for a further two years, they will then be able,
               subject to certain exceptions, to reapply to be registered as proprietor and this time will be so
               registered whether or not anyone opposes the
               application. I by ‘opposed’ we mean that a counter notice is served; see section 8 Giving counter
               notice to the registrar in response to notice. Instead, or at the same time, the registered proprietor may
               object to the application on the ground that there has not been the necessary 10 years’ adverse
               possession; see section 7 Objecting to the squatter’s application for the implications of such an
               From: JOSEPHINE WARD []
               Sent: 10 August 2013 12:23
               To: Lorraine Cordell;
               Subject: Regina v. Simon Cordell for plea and case management hearing on 4th September 2013 at
               Woolwich Crown Court
               Dear Lorraine / Simon
               Thank you for your telephone call today. I am copying Michael Carroll into this email as he is now
               overseeing and monitoring all the work that I undertake in this case to ensure that I am preparing your
               case properly and to your satisfaction and complying with your instructions. I set out below the main
               content of our conversation but if I have left anything out please come back to me as soon as possible.
               Simon you confirmed that your benefits had been suspended and you did not have the funds to attend
               the police station every day. You stated that Edmonton Police Station is a 2-mile walk from where
               you currently live. You have asked me to make an application to remove this bail condition.
               Secondly, you have asked that your curfew be suspended for an up and coming festival in Enfield.
               Thirdly, you have asked me to consider the merits of making an application to dismiss the charges
               against you based on the fact that you entered a building that was being squatted in and therefore you
               were not a trespasser.
               Fourthly you stated that the photographs sent to you were of poor quality and were in black and
               Fifth, you complained that the barrister did not present your case properly.
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