Page 2 - 5. 2015 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 2

This document is still not complete.


                                               The banging Continued: -
                                     INTERIM CONDITIONS GOT GRANTED
                                             Helping the Community Hall
                Police lied and said that I got served the Asbo folder, so I got placed on an Injunction
                                    Building my Court Case Defence for the Asbo!
                                           Building the catalogue with Josh!
                                            Issues with Housing Disrepair!
                                               Working on My Website!

               •  Disrepair!
               •  The 2nd Curfew for the Asbo Interim Order Condition’s got granted in Error!
               •  The banging at Me Continued!


               The banging Started!
               Debbie Andrews (responsible)
               Stain Curtis / Fisher (responsible) abusing the Kitchen Wall!
               Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
               Enfield Homes - (responsible)
               Enfield Council - (responsible)
               Time: All-Day and All-Night whenever they knew that I was indoors!
               The Enfield Homes and the Enfield Council staff aloud the occupiers of 117 and 113 and 111
               Continued to victimizing me by
               Banging with objects onto the internal main buildings walls and floors, so to
               intimidate surely me and maybe others living close by whom may be present to an extent
               only worthwhile for the perpetrators selfless glory, In them perpetrators knowing that their
               behaviour would only leave all those getting victimized towards getting left by their wrongful
               actions as to being put into a state of a mental health patient and not rightfully with this
               occurring within mine and their rented or paid for homes!
               I'm Keen to get these problems rectified in my flat but nothing seems to get rectified on the
               Enfield council's and the Enfield homes behalf!

               Every Email I send to the complaint department that never got addressed fairly and in a
               timely manner makes my sole understands the failures for humanity and puts diversity down!
               The Enfield Council employees managed a Breach of duty towards me!

               These problems not getting addressed causes me Disturbance to my personal relationship
               with my partner and is a breach to my human rights Article 13!
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