Page 3 - 5. 2015 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 3

Time Spent Building.
               In the background of everything going on I started working on creating a new and up to date
               event Disabled Facilities Policy and I continued to Study and finish at the Time Start:
               07:00Am and Time End: 03:30 Pm!
               My mother also continues to work on building my company website for me with others at the
               Time Start: 09:00 and Time End: 14:00!

               Working at Home doing Court Case Defence Work!
               I spent time and resources costing expenditure with my mother also building my defence
               case, against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 12:00 Am and Time
               End: 06:00 Am!


                                               The banging Continued: -
                                     INTERIM CONDITIONS GOT GRANTED
                                             Helping the Community Hall
                Police lied and said that I got served the Asbo folder, so I got placed on an Injunction
                                    Building my Court Case Defence for the Asbo!
                                           Building the catalogue with Josh!
                                            Issues with Housing Disrepair!
                                               Working on My Website!

               •  Disrepair!
               •  The 2nd Curfew for the Asbo Interim Order Condition’s got granted in Error!
               •  The banging at Me Continued!


               The banging Started!
               Debbie Andrews (responsible)
               Stain Curtis / Fisher (responsible) abusing the Kitchen Wall!
               Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
               Enfield Homes - (responsible)
               Enfield Council - (responsible)
               Time: All-Day and All-Night whenever they knew that I was indoors!
               No matter how hard I try to show the occupiers of 113 – 111 – and 117 Burncroft Avenue
               that I am a good man they continued to victimise me with their evil ways, such as
               Waking me up by stamping above my head!
               Loud and aggressive banging in the bathroom got worse and this got achieved by slamming
               objects on to the floor with evil intent of criminal actions!
               Continually, repeating to flushing the toilet when I am in the bath!
               Eavesdropping, / Listening to where I am in my home and then chasing me around into each
               room as listed, while banging on the floor with objects!


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