Page 325 - 6. 2016 Diary 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 325

-       This section applies to a gathering on land in the open air of 100 or more persons
               (whether or not trespassers) at which amplified music is played during the night (with or
               without intermissions) and is such as, by reason of its loudness and duration and the time at
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               which it is played, is likely to cause serious distress to the inhabitants of the locality, and for
               this purpose—
               (a) such a gathering continues during intermissions in the music and, where the gathering
               extends over several days, throughout the period during which amplified music is played at
               night (with or without intermissions); and
               (b) “music" includes sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a
               succession of repetitive beats.
               -       If, as respects any land
               a police officer of at least the rank of superintendent reasonably believes that—
               (a) two or more persons are making preparations for the holding there of a gathering to which
                   this section applies,
               (b) ten or more persons are waiting for such a gathering to begin there, or
               (c) ten or more persons are attending such a gathering which is in progress,
               he may give a direction that those persons and any other persons who come to prepare or wait
               for or to attend the gathering are to leave the land and remove any vehicles or other property
               which they have with them on the land.
               (3) A direction under subsection (2) above, if not communicated to the persons referred to in
                   subsection (2) by the police officer giving the direction, may be communicated to them
                   by any constable at the scene.
               (4) Persons shall be treated as having had a direction under subsection (2) above
                   communicated to them if reasonable steps have been taken to bring it to their attention,
               (5) A direction under subsection (2) above does not apply to an exempt person.
               (6) if a person knowing that a direction has been given which applies to him—
               (a) fails to leave the land as soon as reasonably practicable, or
               (b) having left again enters the land within the period of 7 days beginning with the day on
                   which the direction was given,
               he commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not
               exceeding three months or a fine not exceeding level 4 on the standard scale, or both.
               (7) In proceedings for an offence under this section it is a defence for the accused to show
                   that he had a reasonable excuse for failing to leave the land as soon as reasonably
                   practicable or, as the case may be, for again entering the land.
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Simon Cordell Skeleton Argument (2).pdf
               (8) A constable in uniform who reasonably suspects that a person is committing an offence
                   under this section may arrest him without a warrant.
               (9) This section does not apply—
               (a) in England and Wales, to a gathering in relation to a licensable activity within section
               1(1fc) of the Licensing Act 2003 (provision of certain forms of entertainment) carried on
               under and in accordance with an authorisation within the meaning of section 136 of that Act.
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