Page 313 - 7. 2016 Last three months the 10 - 11 - 12 No Table
P. 313

24/01/2017: On the 24/01/2017 My mother had requested my personal Data held about
                 myself on the Enfield Councils computer system and so on to delivered to ourselves and
                 this is the date that the information got taken out of there computer systems.

               Stage 5
               The Enfield Councils History FOI Indexed
               Stanley Curtis
               Enfield Council Case History
               Page Number: 35,36,37,38, 39,40
               AA. 03/08/2017
               BB. 07/11/2016
               CC. 08/11/2016
               DD. 08/11/2016
               EE. 08/11/2016
               FF. 08/11/2016
               GG. 01/11/2016
               HH. 14/11/2016
               II. 14/11/2016
               JJ. 14/11/2016
               A.1) 24/01/2017

                 The Enfield Councils History
                 FOI Indexed

                 03/08/2017: “Blank Space” did have it scheduled for Witness Service Citizens Advice
                 0300 332 1000
                 07/11/2016: I spoke to Sabran Witness Service Highbury & Islington court she advised
                 pre-court trial visit are. no longer arranged directly by them. I will have to go through
                 Citizens Advice national contact centre I she gave me a number however; I was getting no
                 response on the number given 0208 733 6422.1 also called 101 and was given another
                 number 0206 733 5480 - again a voice recording with no one to take the call. I contacted
                 the call centre again and was given another number with on digit difference to the previous
                 0208 733 6423 Clair Lockwood. A voice recording again I therefore left a message
                 requesting a call back.
                 08/11/2016: I tried calling the Witness Care Unit again at Holbom station to no avail -1
                 then got a call back from police Holbom asking if I had tried to contact them -1 was then
                 put through to Thomas Jones Witness Care Officer — from this point the communicative
                 lines was open for progress. Tom also said the oic is DC Campbell attached to Edmonton
                 Police station. And that he will email him to contact the victim to reassure him.
                 08/11/2016: “Same as Above”
                 08/11/2016: Mail to: Thomas. Jones@met.pnn.police.ukl
                 Sent: 08 November 2016 11:16
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