Page 318 - 7. 2016 Last three months the 10 - 11 - 12 No Table
P. 318

In the background of everything going I Continued working on Creating a new and up to date
               Management System and I continued to Study and finish at the Time Start: 07:00 Am and
               Time End: 03:30 Pm!
               My mother also continues to work on building my company website for me with others at the
               Time Start: 09:00 and Time End: 14:00!

               Working at Mother’s Home doing Court Case Defense Work!
               I spent time and resources costing expenditure with my no there also building my defence
               case, against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 12:00 Am and Time
               End: 06:00 Am!


                                         Stain and the Mathiyalagan and Co!
                                  Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
                                         Working on the Court Case Defence!
                The Anti-Social Behaviour Order Case and the Verdict got made Guilty against me in
                             error and the conditions got imposed against me till late 2020!
                                               The Banging Continued: -
                                             Helping the Community Hall
                                                 Building the catalogue
                                               Working on My Website!
                                                      New Month

               •  Mathiyalagan paperwork
                   Update Complainant Follow on action from Contact Complainant.

               •  At Mothers home address
                   Due to the bail conditions from the 04/10/2016 not to go to Burncroft Avenue.

               •  At Mothers address but illegal
                   Getting treated under section 117 Mental Health Act 1983 / No Visit!

               •  The Asbo Order got
                   Granted in Error with Full Conditions against me and Fraudulently!

               •  The 1st Injunction Order / Lemmy / pub Book Issue: 1!
                   D: Markandu Council History / Tel/Updated Complaint / Address of 117 /
                   Page Numbers:  40,41,42,43,44,45
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