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I have enclosed 2 letters that could help to show my son won’t leave his flat he had a DWP
assessment and a letter had to be written to his GP to ask if the GP could write a letter to get a
home assessment please see both letters. It will also be noted on his file under the mental
health team he won't leave his flat. And I cannot understand how you said on the phone today
that you knew nothing on my son's health, as clearly it is in the limited subject access request,
I got from Enfield Council under the ASB teams’ information as you requested if he was
known to the mental health team. Information you have asked for please see below:
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust The doctors name he was under
when he was sectioned in August 2016, Dr Julia Cranitch, Haringey Assessment Ward, St
Ann's Hospital. When he left hospital, he was under the Home treatment team support and
referral to community team.
Early Intervention:
Goodie Adama: Locum CMHN
Locum Community Mental Health Nurse
Early Intervention for Psychosis
Lucas House 305309
Fore Street London. N9
As stated on the phone I have many emails to backup that complaints were put in on behalf of
my son regarding what the neighbours was doing, well before any complaints was put in by
the neighbours, yet nothing was done by Enfield Council, each email even states the
neighbours was not letting him sleep and this was having a large impact on his health, this is
what has upset me so much, as phone calls was being made emails sent, even my son was
making calls, but you seem to have nothing of anything that was submitted so where has it all
gone, please can you look into this and get back to me as I really do not understand how so
much can be missing from Enfield Councils systems?
I am grateful that you called me back today and we were able to speak, sorry if I sounded
loader on the phone but since the operation as I said my voice and throat are very sore, I
believe due to the tube they put down them when they were doing the 2nd operation. I am
grateful that you will deal with this and you cancelled tomorrow’s meeting when we spoke,
and you seemed to have some idea of what was going on which you seem to have not known
before, I will await a reply from you as to how we can deal with this.
Lorraine Cordell
From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]
Sent: 21 March 2017 16:26
To: Lorraine Cordell
Subject: RE: Antisocial
Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Classification: OFFICIAL
Dear Ms Cordell,
Thanks for your email. I sorry to hear learn that you have been unwell, I wish you speedy
recovery. The first letter I wrote to Mr Cordell was dated 29 November 2016 and not 29
December so apologies for the mistake and the first meeting were 6 December 2016 and not 6
January 2017 as you stated in your email below. I am not aware that Mr Cordell is unable to
leave his flat due to health reasons as he has not provided us with a letter from his Doctor to
support this claim. Also, when Mr Cordell telephoned me on 17 February 2017 following my
letter to him dated 16 February 2017, he informed me that he will not come to the Civic
Centre or the council offices in Edmonton Green because there are gang members looking for
him in these areas. I cannot recall him saying anything about him not being able to leave his