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December 2016
                 The Defendant has· admitted to restricting the water supply
                 but has refused to allow the Claimant’s maintenance
                 operatives access to his property to investigate and rectify
                 the problem.
                 32. The Defendant has intimidated the residents in the entire
                 block and because of his Behaviour, we have received
                 numerous complaints from residents, requests to be
                 transferred from the block and we have had to move a
                 vulnerable tenant from the block.
                 33. I have made attempts to engage with the Defendant, but
                 he has not been cooperative and has continuously displayed
                 abusive and threatening Behaviour. towards the Claimant's
                 members of staff and his neighbors. A Notice of Seeking.
                 Possession has been served to him and possession action is
                 being considered.
                 However, in the meantime, this injunction is required to
                 ensure that the other residents are not subjected to further
                 intimidation and harassment by the Defendant. This
                 application is being made without notice because if the
                 Defendant were given notice, he would intimidate the
                 witnesses in an attempt to prevent the order being made.

                                      Simon Cordell’s
                        The 1st Injunction Order Dated: 00/00/2014

                 statement of Truth
                 I believe the facts in this Witness Statement are true.
                 Dated this 08th day of August 2017

               The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:  04
               Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behavior Allegations against Mr. Simon Cordell
               / Page Numbers: 3016,3017,3018,3019,3020,3021,3022,3023,3024,
               From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []
               Sent: 16 March 2017 14:12
               To: Lorraine Cordell
               Subject: RE: Anti-Social
               Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]
               Attachments: 4th Letter to Mr Cordell, 16.3.17.pdf
               Classification: OFFICIAL
               Dear Ms Cordell,
               Please find attached letter to Mr Simon Cordell inviting him to a meeting with me and my
               line manager to discuss the allegations made against him by his neighbours. The original
               copy will be sent to Mr Cordell.
               Kind Regards
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