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Lemmy Nwabuisi
               Anti‐Social Behaviour Team
               Community Safety Unit
               Environmental & Community Safety
               B Block North
               Civic Centre
               EN1 3XA
               Tel: 020 8379 5354
               Mob: 07583115576
               From: Lorraine Cordell [mailto:]
               Sent: 22 February 2017 11:51
               To: Lemmy Nwabuisi
               Subject: RE: Anti‐Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell
               Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi
               I will get back to you with a date. But I am very upset at what is on file within the subject
               access request it seems as if you put everything onto Mr Cordell and large amounts of data is
               missing. Like the information about Deborah Andrews this is incorrect, and the only reason
               we have found out about this is due to the subject access request. But there are lots of emails
               that are missing that I sent about Deborah Andrews and what the neighbours were doing, that
               are dated before any complaints went in from Deborah Andrews and the neighbours. Yet
               nothing was done for Mr Cordell about this. Also, there is missing dates and times of
               complaints, as to when things were meant to have happened and what time they were meant
               to have happened why?
               I do have many issues, with the report and why no emails are in the subject access request
               that was put in by me that are dated well before the neighbours put complaints in yet Enfield
               Council done nothing about this, There is also no phone calls I made or my son made, but as
               soon as the neighbours put complaints in these were taken up right away by Enfield Council.
               I will get back to you with a date I am due to see someone on the 09/03/2017 when I will be
               showing them all the information. So, it will need to be after this date. Dionne Grant has also
               got until the 02/03/2017 to deal with the subject access request and if I have not heard
               anything by this date, I will pass this on to the ICO.
               Lorraine Cordell
               From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]
               Sent: 22 February 2017 11:18
               To: Lorraine Cordell
               Subject: RE: Anti-Social
               Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]
               Classification: OFFICIAL
               Dear Ms Cordell,
               Thanks for your email.
               Could you please confirm when you and Mr Cordell are able to meet with me within the next
               14 days?
               As stated in my previous letters, the allegations are serious breach of tenancy conditions and
               we need to give Mr Cordell the opportunity to respond to them before a decision is made on
               how to proceed.
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