Page 198 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 198
Telephone: 020824
Order Status: Complete
Payment Address / Shipping Address
Simon Cordell Simon Cordell
109 Burncroft avenue
London en37jq
Greater London
United Kingdom
Payment Method: Credit Card / Debit Card (Sage Pay) Shipping Method: UK mainland
Product Price Total
24" Inkjet Polyester Canvas 280gms - Matte
18m Roll £24.10 £24.10
Model: 191
24" Inkjet Matte
Polyester Canvas 280gms -
Extra-long 30m Roll 2 x £40.10 £80.20
Model: 302
Sub-Total £104.30
UK mainland £8.00
VAT (20%) £22.46
Total £134.76
The comments for your order are:
Hello, I have an entry code to my front door what is c1230 thanks Simon Please reply to this
e-mail if you have any questions.
The banging Started!
Flat – 113 – George Quinton moved in!
Stain Curtis (responsible)
Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
All Morning: --
Mid-Day: --
In the Evening and of the Night!
The Enfield Council and the Enfield Homes employees aloud the occupiers of 117 and 111
Continued to victimizing me by: --
After the normal daily routine now of the already named attacking me in my bathroom after
waking me up happened today!
At the night time Stain played with his front door locks to try and scare me again!
The occupiers of 117 the Mathiyalagan family and also Stain Curtis off 111 Burncroft
Avenue continue to Slamming the water tap on and off, and now with George Quinton also
involved I continue to document their Hate Crime towards me and report it to the relevant
persons without any fair process of support and this is causing damage to my health and the
buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate!
They all mentioned in the addresses of 113 and 117 Burncroft Avenue keep Dropping articles
on to their own wooden flooring to make loud banging noises!
Stain banged on the kitchen wall again with intent of victimising me on a full 24-hour
117 keep slamming their own living room, window continually opened and closed like to
explain a person making competitive beats out aloud!
Si Note: