Page 203 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 203

Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
                                          Working on the Court Case Defence!
                 The Anti-Social Behaviour Order Case and the Verdict got made Guilty against me in
                             error and the conditions got imposed against me till late 2020!
                                               The Banging Continued: -
                                              Helping the Community Hall
                                                 Building the catalogue
                                                Working on My Website!

               •  Disrepair!
               •  The Asbo Order got granted in Error with Full Conditions against me and Fraudulently!
               •  The banging Continued at me!

               •  George Quinton
                   got involved in assaulting me with his friends!


               George Quinton
               got involved in assaulting me with his friends!

               The banging Started!
               Flat – 113 – George Quinton moved in!
               Stain Curtis (responsible)
               Mathiyalagan (Responsible)
               All-Day and All-Night!
               The Enfield Homes and the Enfield Council staff let the tenants of 113 - 117 and 111
               Continue to victimize me by-: --
               Stain knocked on my letter box and woke me up again this Morning, when he is leaving his
               premises, like a person playing the game called knock down ginger!
               Then the Loud and aggressive banging in the bathe room got worse and this got achieved by
               the new tent of 113 and the original tents of 117 slamming objects on to their floors with evil
               intent of criminal actions!
               At the night time Stain played with his front door locks to try and scare me again!
               The occupiers of 117 the Mathiyalagan family and also Stain Curtis off 111 Burncroft
               Avenue continue Slamming the water tap on and off, and now with George Quinton also
               involved I continue to document their Hate Crime towards me and report it to the relevant
               persons without any fair prosses of support and this is causing damage too my health and the
               buildings fixtures at an unacceptable rate!
               They all mentioned in the addresses of 113 and 117 Burncroft Avenue keep Dropping articles
               on to their own wooden flooring to make loud banging noises!
               Stain banged on the kitchen wall again with intent of victimising me on a full 4-hour assaults!
               117 keep slamming their own living room, window continually opened and closed like to
               explain a person making competitive beats out aloud!
               This is not fair that I keep getting awoke every Morning banging above me intentionally then
               by 117 then following me around within my own home so to find me and then commence
               assailing me again this does not stop all day and night long I cannot slumber neither can my
               friends when they stay over at mine because the same thing transpires to them!
               Today the mundane daily routine of the already denominated people assailing me
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