Page 305 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 305

               42. Please see Clerk Notes: -
               43. I know that a judicial review in regards to the Magistrates hearing is being submitted to
                   the Court out of time, but when the Appellants mother contacted the high Court to make
                   enquiries in regards to a judicial review and explained the situation that had occurred
                   throughout this case she was told to submit the application for judicial review for the
                   Magistrates hearing's and that under exceptional circumstances the time limit could be
                   overturned, the reason that this has been submitted to the Court out of time is due to the
                   Appellant taking his barristers opinion that he would be better to go for the Appeal at the
                   Crown Court and this is what the Appellant did. The Appeal hearing was not concluded
                   until 19 January 2017.
               44. On the 13 August 2015, the Metropolitan Police Service posted on their website, this led
                   to all the local newspapers printing the story about the Appellant.
               45. Please see attached: -
               46. But how could the police have printed this as illegality had not been proven?
               47. This lead to the Appellant having stones thrown at his windows, and a gun being pulled
                   out on him, which it then took the police six days to come out to take a report, we know
                   the reason why it took the police so long to come and take the report it's how much the
                   police dislike the Appellant, and his family this has been ongoing for over 23 years.
               48. The Appellant's mother contacted many solicitors to try and get a new solicitor to take
                   over the case, each time she was told that solicitors will not take a case on at Appeal stage
                   due to how much legal aid paid for Appeal hearing, legal aid believed the solicitors that
                   acted for the hearing would be dealing with the Appeal hearing so there was a set amount
                   that would be paid for Appeal hearings which would not cover a new solicitor going over
                   the complete case. The Appellant's mother believed it was best to keep the old solicitors
                   on record as it was better to have a solicitor then having non due to the Appellant's health
                   which had deteriorated throughout this case.
               49. The Appeal was listed for the 26 October 2015 but only listed for 1-hour hearing the case
                   was put off, due to the case needed to be set for three days as to the Appeal hearing.
               50. The acting solicitors had seemed to have lost the Appellant's bundle it had been removed
                   from the office due to the office being audited in the October 2015, no one seemed to be
                   able to find the Appellant's bundle, and all the missing documents that was meant to have
                   been within the bundle which was for the case and full hearing.
               51. On the 9th November 2015 the case was listed for a mention hearing, all bundles were
                   due to be at the Crown Court by the 23December 2015. The case was listed for a three-
                   day Appeal to start on 22 February 2016. Discloser had been requested again.
               52. In the December 2015 arrangements was made for the acting solicitors to attend the
                   Appellants mother's home to go over the case bundles, at this point the Appellants mother
                   made sure that all the CADs and intelligence reports was gone over by the solicitor, upon
                   seeing all the errors the solicitor was shocked, maps were made up to be included in the
                   Appellant's bundle and the Appellant's bundle was remade as it was due to be handed into
                   Wood Green Crown Court on the 23 December 2015. Emails were also sent by the
                   solicitor to the police.
               53. The Appellants mother agreed to print of multiple documents including all maps needed
                   to be done in colour, just prior to the Christmas holiday all printing was done and contact
                   was made with the solicitors in order to get the Appellant's bundle Paginated and indexed,
                   on 22 December 2015 multiple texts and calls was made to the solicitor due to the fact the
                   bundle needed to be to the Court by the 23 December 2015.
               54. The acting solicitor firm's replies were not being made in efficient time. On one occasion
                   out of many the acting solicitor did not reply until much later, when she finally did reply
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