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she stated, that she could hand in the bundle when she got back from the Christmas and
                   her New Year holidays, this was clearly not adequate as there should have been a case
                   handler in her position to handle the Applicants case load.
               55. Effectually a text was sent to the solicitor stating that this was going to have an effect on
                   families Christmas and New Year due to the Appellant knowing that the Court had
                   ordered the bundle to be submitted to the Court by a certain date and this time limit given
                   by a judge not being merited, a text was received back from the solicitors, this stated the
                   following:- “to be at the office by 18:00 PM” The Appellants mother attended and two
                   bundles was Paginated and indexed which took until around01:30 AM. Miss Ward was
                   not happy due to the time that had to be spent dealing with this as she was due to fly out
                   in the early hours to Ireland. The bundles were left with the Appellants mother, this was
                   achieved so that one mastered copy could behand-delivered to the Court in the morning
                   on the 23 December 2015 and the other bundle was recorded delivered via the Post Office
                   to the police.
               56. Miss Ward stated after the Christmas and New Year holidays she would get the
                   Appellant's bundle ready so it could be given to him. The Appellant had not seen the new
                   bundle as the solicitor did not want to meet him, and due to the lateness in which the
                   bundle was made to get into the court and the police, there was not the time for the
                   Appellant to see the new bundle.
               57. One of the texts that were sent to the Appellants mother please see below. Stated: that on
                   the 22/12/2015, “This is a legal aid case Lorraine and Simon need to recognise that he is
                   not paying privately so needs to work within the constraints of the legal aid system.”
                   Upon receiving the text the Appellants mother was upset, it was the Court who had set the
                   day for the bundle to be within the Court, not the Appellant.
               58. The solicitors should have dealt with the case in a timely manner and made sure that
                   things were not left to the last minute.
               59. All that the Appellant ever wanted was for the solicitors to do what was right and needed
                   for the Applicant their client, to which never happened.
               60. When overseeing the past activities of: “the case handlers”, it is a sure fact that things was
                   always left or not achieved at all, this would always lead the Appellants to his
                   disappointment, in turn, causing wrongful suffering and loss, this seems to continue to
                   leave the Appellant being in receipt of getting the blame, when he should not.
               61. It was also upsetting because it seemed as if: - the Appellant paid for the solicitor's
                   services then things would have been addressed a lot differently. I feel it should make no
                   difference between paying privately or having legal aid put in place, a solicitor's job is to
                   represent their client to the best of their ability seek justice for their client the best they
                   possibly can, this was not the case throughout this case. After the Christmas and the New
                   Year's holidays, we had to keep asking for the Appellant's bundle, we managed to get this
                   in the beginning of February 2016, not long before the trial was due to start, it would also
                   seem the solicitors was having problems getting a barrister for the Appellant still had not
                   seen a barrister, this was at the time of the full hearing at the Magistrate's Court, the
                   original barrister that represented the Appellant at the Magistrate's hearings, was on
                   sabbatical leave. It is also noted that the acting solicitors, did not want a meeting with the
                   Appellant and was mostly dealing with the Appellants mother.
               62. On the 19th February 2016 the acting Solicitors put into the Court for a mention hearing,
                   the Appellant believed this was due to nondisclosure, but the solicitors had also put an
                   application into Break Fixture this was dismissed by His Honour Judge Morrison, this
                   was three days before the three-day Appeal hearing was due to start.
               63. “The Court will not and does not accede to any application for The Appellants.”
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