Page 322 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 322

his condition could be applied by any Judge and state it is not a beach of someone human
                   rights must be wrong.
               •  jiojiojioj
               •  Conditions 2 states knowingly using or supplying property personal or otherwise for the
                   use of a rave as defined under section 63.1 of the criminal justice and public order act,
               212.  The Appellants has spent the last 10 years building his business saving every penny
                   and help from family it is within the entertainment industry, he will hires equipment out
                   and his services, The Appellants business would seriously be affected, because if he hired
                   his equipment and it ended up in an illegal rave The Appellant would be in breach of the
                   conditions. When hiring out equipment you do asked what is going to be used for, and
                   you do have a contract that is in place, but what the person tells you their reason for
                   hiring the equipment out is not always the correct reason and is not used for the purpose
                   the person told you The Appellant would be in breach of these conditions. Also if The
                   Appellant loaned someone any personal belongings and that person ended up at an illegal
                   rave then The Appellant would again be in breach of his conditions, even if the item was
                   something that did not even constitute as being for an illegal rave.
               213.  Conditions 5 states provide any service in respect of any licensable activity in an
                   unlicensed premise.
               214.  How is The Appellant meant to run his business, The Appellant would not be able to
                   obtain a licence that has already been clarified by the police and councils due to the
                   Antisocial Behaviour Order that is in place, The Appellant would not be able to offer his
                   services also due to the restriction that he has only 30 minutes within a non-residential
                   building, most events go to the late hours in the morning so even if there was a licensed
                   premises and someone wanted to hire the services of The Appellant The Appellant would
                   not be able to do this. The Appellant was also offered contracts within two nightclubs to
                   be the manager if The Appellant was again offered contracts within nightclubs or late-
                   night bars The Appellant would not be able to accept these contracts. I cannot even say
                   why condition 5 has been imposed because condition 4 conflicts with condition 5 in
                   certain parts. And who would want to hire or take on The Appellant if he had to ask for
                   written permission which would be degrading for The Appellant to have to ask each time
                   he wanted to go somewhere or had a contact and had to explain why he needed it to be
                   confirmed in writing by the owner and/or leaseholder of the property,
               215.  These are just a few concerns with the conditions that The Appellant is under, there is
                   other concerns with other conditions set at by the Courts that are of concern.
               216.  When the Appeal hearing was over the conditions was not served on The Appellant,
                   they were posted to him in the post.
               217.  The Appellant mother has put an application into the Crown Court on forms EX-105
                   and EX-107 requesting the Tape/Disc Transcription for all hearings, and is waiting to
                   hear back from the court, to see if it will be granted.
               218.  The Appellant mother has also put an application into the police under a subject
                   access request to get all The Appellant history with the police which will show the data
                   protection errors and more data that has been inputted incorrectly by the police, it will
                   also show a history of how much the police does not leave The Appellant alone.
               219.  Also how many complaints has had to be put into the police regarding how the police
                   have treated
               220.  The Appellant over many years which when asked in this ASBO application case by
                   the judge was any of this the truth they replied no to. The Judge also asked if anyone else
                   had had an ASBO application against them for an ASBO on the dates held within the
                   ASBO application, the Judge did not get a reply and it was not asked again.
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