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178.  On the 19/12/2016 The Appellant mother sent an email to the Judge this was in
                   regards to still not finding a solicitor, that was willing to take the Appeal on, The
                   Appellant mother asked the Judge to help in regards to getting a solicitor to act for The
                   Appellant regarding the Appeal as time was becoming short for the Appeal hearing.
               179.  On the 21/12/2016 The Appellant mother received a reply in her email from the
                   Judge; this explained that the Judge could not help with a solicitor. The Appellant mother
                   and Appellant still did not give up, they both carried on trying to find one that was willing
                   to take the Appeal on for The Appellant, the Appellant and his mother was upset the
                   reason being; as the Judge did state he would help with the issue of the solicitor on the
                   26/09/2016 and another part of the reason being that time was short for when the Appeal
                   hearing was to take place, as this was due to start soon after. The Appellant and his
                   mother did not wait till the last minute to ask the Judge for help and was then told by the
                   Judge that he could not help.
               180.  On the 12/01/2016 late in the day The Appellant mother was given a number form a
                   solicitor's of a solicitor's called MK-Law, that maybe could help and take the Appeal on,
                   The Appellants mother called them as they were the first solicitor's in the list she was
               181.  The entire of the solicitor's firms that had been contacted prior to September 2016 had
                   simply refused to act in the case; the reason given was because the case was at an Appeal
                   stage. Throughout our attempts to find a solicitor, No solicitor firm that was called
                   wanted to hear what we had to explain so to be able to understand what the case was
                   about, on one occasion the Applicants mother broke down in tears to the company she
                   was talking to and they agreed to take on the case, this was as long as the Judge agreed to
                   an adjournment, the Applicants mother, stated to them she did nothing the Judge will
                   agree to this as in September 2016 the Judge had stated he would not adjourn it again.
               182.  The solicitor stated that they would not have enough time to be able to get all of the
                   bundles and then be able to get a barrister to go over them and that this would not leave
                   time for them as the new acting solicitors to have time to have a meeting with The
                   Appellant and
               183.  take instructions due to the weekend.
               184.  The new solicitor firm said that they would send a barrister to Court on the
                   17/01/2017, to asked for an adjournment, so that they could act in the best interest of the
                   client, as that is what they are there to do and so that the legal aid could be addressed and
                   then passed over to them or a new application would need to be applied for.
               185.  The Appellant's health had deteriorated, when The Appellant's mother told The
                   Appellant she believed she had found a solicitor to take the Appeal on this did bring his
                   mood up a little bit, but he felt so much had gone wrong within the Asbo case that there
                   would be a high chance of more going wrong at that point of time, he agreed that he
                   would attend Court and meet the barrister that the new solicitors was sending, the
                   problem was that this person could change at any time.
               186.  The Appellant does not leave his home which he treats as his prison cell due to the
                   Asbo case and prudery the police have committed and not disciplinarily action,
                   punishment, being brought into motion for their wrongful actions.
               187.  On the 17 January 2016, the Appellant and his mother attended the Court, the new
                   barrister was there also for The Appellant, so was the Appellants uncle, we all went into a
                   side room and the barrister spoke to The Appellant, this was in regards to what the plans
                   were for the case in turn what the new barrister was going to ask the Judge for, which was
                   an adjournment, the reason being they needed an adjournment so that they could act in the
                   best interest of their client, so that they could go over the complete case bundles, take
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