Page 14 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 3rd Half
P. 14

I spent time and recourses costing expenditure building my defence case alongside my
               mother’s commitments against the allegations getting put against me at the Time Start: 00:00
               and Time End: 00:00


                                                     Ambrose Tariq
                                               The Banging Continued: -
                                  Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
                            Ozzie, Ambrose Tariqm, Stain and the Mathiyalagan and Co =
                                      Working on the Court Case’s / My Defence!
                 The Anti-Social Behaviour Order Case and the Verdict got made Guilty against me in
                             error and the conditions got imposed against me till late 2020!

               •  Disrepair!
               •  The Asbo Order got granted in Error with Full Conditions against me and Fraudulently!
               •  The banging Continued at me!
               •  George Quinton Moved Out of flat 113 Burncroft Avenue!
               •  Ambrose moved into 113 Burncroft Avenue!
               •  Working at home!

               •  Since:
                   The Defendant’s anti-social behaviour has ceased towards the neighbors and no
                   complaints have not been received from them. Stated by council solicitor on the:

               •  LEMMYS Index I received on the 25/06/2018
                   Order from Edmonton County Court / New 2 Injunction / Indexed
                   Page Numbers: 313,314,315

               •  The 2nd Injunction Order / Lemmy / pub Book Issue: 1!
                   Witness statement of M s Ludmilla lyavoo in support of the application/
                   Page Numbers: 21,22,23,24,25 +26

               •  Additional Email Attachments & Emails / Issue:
                   71. 1. 2.
                   Mother 25-09-2017 -05-41
                   / Page Numbers: 1515


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