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21.    Made on behalf of the Claimant
                 22.    Ms Ludmilla lyavoo
                 23.    Statement No.1
                 24.    Exhibits LI 1-LI7
                 25.    Dated 03.01.2018

                     IN THE EDMONTON COUNTY COURT
                                CLAIM, NO: D02EDQ73
                    THE MAYOR AND BURGESSES OF THE
                       LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD
                             MR SIMON CORDELL

                 I, Ms Ludmilla lyavoo, of the London Borough of
                 Enfield, Silver Street, Enfield EN1 3XA make this
                 statement believing it to be true and understand
                 that it may be placed before the court.
                 Insofar as the contents of this witness statement
                 are within my own personal knowledge it is true
                 and insofar as it is not within my personal
                 knowledge it is true to the best of my knowledge.
                 I WILL SAY AS FOLLOWS
                 61.    lam employed by the Claimant as an in-
                 house lawyer and have been so employed since
                 September 2016.1 have had the main conduct of
                 this claim.
                 62.    I am making this witness support in
                 support of the Claimant’s application notice dated
                 03rd January 2018, seeking to set aside the orders
                 made by the Court respectively on 13th December
                 2017 and 02nd January 2017.

               August 2017
               09th August 2017
                21st August 2017
               25th September 2017
               23rd October 2017
               06th November 2017
               17th November 2017
               17th November 2017 at 11 ;59
               16th November 2017

                         CLAIM NUMBER: D02EDO73
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