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Part 8 About working for an employer - continued

                                         You                            Your partner

           127. Are you getting any      No                                    No
           other sick pay or maternity   Yes
           pay from your employer at                                           Yes
           the moment?
           128. Do you pay into a                                              No
           private or company pension    Yes                                   Yes     How much?
           scheme?                                 How much?

                                         £                                    £
                                         How often?                           How often?
                                         Every                                Every

           We must see proof of any earnings before we can decide how much benefit you can get. Read the
           checklist at Part 17 to see what you can use as proof, if you get tips or bonuses, tell us about these in
           Part 16.

           Part 9 About any other work

           129. Do you or your partner do   No       to Part 10.
           any other work at all?               | Answer the questions on this page.

           This could be  voluntary work   Yes
           or any other work, even if it is
           not paid work.
                                                        You                            Your partner

           130. What other work do you

           131. What is the name and
           address of the person you
           do this work for?

           132. When did you start this
           133. How many hours a week
           do you usually work?

           134. Do you get paid?        No        How much do you get                 How much do they get
           If you only get expenses or tips,  Yes  before         any         Yes     before any deductions?
           still tick 'Yes’ and give details.     deductions?

                                         £                                   £

                                         How often?                          How often?
                                         Every                               Every

           We must see proof of any earnings before we can decide how much benefit you can get. Read the
           checklist at Part 17 to see what you can use as proof.
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