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P. 64

Part 12 About capital, savings and investments - continued

           163. Do you, your partner, or   No
           any children you are claiming   Yes
           for have any bank accounts?            Tell us about all your bank accounts, even empty or
                                                  overdrawn ones or joint accounts. If there are more
                                                  than two bank accounts, tell us about the others on a
                                                  separate sheet of paper and send it with this form ____

                                         If you are sending a separate sheet of paper, tick this box.
                                         Name of bank                        Account number

                                         Whose name is the account in?       How much is in the account?
                                         Name of bank                        Account number

                                         Whose name is the account in?       How much is in the account?

          164. Do you, your partner, or
          any children you are claiming   Yes     Tell us about building society accounts, even if you
          for have any building society           do not use them regularly. If you have more than 2
          accounts?                               building society accounts, tell us about the others on a
                                                  separate sheet of paper and send it with this form.

                                           If you are sending a separate sheet of paper, tick this box

                                         Name of building society Account number

                                         Whose name is the account in?       How much is in the account

                                         Name of building society            Account number

                                         Whose name is the account in?       How much is in the account?

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