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Part 10 About benefits and pensions - continued

                                                       You                            Your partner
           139. The name of the benefit
           or pension
           Waiting to hear              □ □
                                        D How much?-------------------------------------------------EEH How much?
           Getting now
                                         £                                  £

                                         How often?                         How often?

                                         Every                              Every

           140. If you have no income
           from work or benefits, please
           state what you are living on,
           such as savings etc.

           Part 11 About other money coming in

           141. Do you or your partner, or any children you are claiming for, have any  No
           money coming in (or expect to have some money coming in) that you have  yes
           not already told us about on this form?
           This includes occupational pensions; maintenance or child support for you, your partner or any of the
           children you have told us about on this form; money from a trust fund; training allowances; a student grant

           or loan; any income from an equity release scheme; and any cash payments. Also tell us about any money
           you get from people living in your house as boarders or subtenants. Tell us about proceeds from the sale of
           a house, money received from charity or any other income. You do not need to tell us about payments from
           the Independent Living Fund, the Eileen Trust or the MacFarlane Trust.

           Other money 1

           142. What is the money for?
           143. Who gets it?

           144. How much do they get?
           145. How often?              Every
           146. When did they start
           getting this income?
           147. When is the income
           likely to go up?                      / / / /

           Other money 2
           148. What is the money for?

           149. Who gets it?

           150. How much do they get?
           151. How often?
           152.  When did they start
           getting this income?                     / /
           153. When is the income
           likely to go up?                         / /

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