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26/10/2018   13:18     02088059994                   NIGHTINGALE SURGERY                   PAGE 03/05

          CORDELL, Simon (Mr.) Date                                                    Nightingale House Surgery
          of Birth: 26-Jan-19Sl                                                        NHS Number: 434 096 1671

                      Comment     PT NEEDS TO BE SEEN RE LETTER FOR COURT (OF JUNE 2018) Request
                                        HAS BEEN DESTROYED AS PT NEVER CAME BACK

                      Additional Attachment © Admin Letter Enfield Council LUDMILLA LYAVOO SOLICTOR Administration

                      Additional Attachment 0 Unscheduled Care PCT General Scanned

         Values and Investigations (Latest Value)
         17-Jan-2017 QRISK2 cardiovascular disease 10-year risk 0.86    %
                        Added via Batch Data Management (Estimates used as not all input data present or in range: BMl:
                        27.4 kg/mA ; Ethnicity: British; Cholesteral /HDL Ratio: 4.6; SBP: 127.7 mm Hg;)
          05-May-2016   QCancer Risk Calculator Added via Batch Data   0.09  %
                           Prostate Cancer Risk                  0        %
                           Blood Cancer Risk                     0.02     %
                           Testicular Cancer Risk                0.02     %
                           Colorectal Cancer Risk                0.01     %
                           Gastro-Oesophageal Cancer Risk        0        %
                           Pancreatic Cancer Risk                0        %
                           Lung Cancer Risk                      0        %
                           Renal Tract Cancer Risk               0        %
          30-Sep-2013   Serum vitamin D - (drdapo) - Make a routine   27  nmoi/L
                       Vitamin D guidelines:
                       Deficient:              <20 nmol/L
                       insufficient:           21  - 50 nmoI/L
                       Sub-optimal:            51  - 75 nmol/L
                       Optimal concentration: 76   - 200 nitiol/L
                       Possible Toxicity:      >250 hmol/L
         30-Sep-*2013   Tissu transglutaminase IgA lev          1       U/mi               <10.00U/ml
                        Thyroid function test
                           Serum TSH level                      0.99    mU/l               0.35 - 5.50mU/l
                           Serum free T4 level                  12.7    pmoi/l             10.00-22.70pmol/l
         30-Qep-2013    IgA                                     3.22    g/i                0.80 - 3.90g/l
         30-Sep-2013    Routine Blood Chemistry
                           Serum ALT level                      22      u/L                10.00 -37.00U/L
                           GFR calculated abbreviatd MDRD       84      mL/min/1.73s  qm
                                        The derived EGFR should be multiplied by1.212 for Af:  ■p
                                     Cciribbean.3 - If <30 consult theRensl Drug  Handbook £OJ  :
                              prescribing advice,available via the link on the WeBFTi page on the'ia
                              not applicable in *RF, pregnancy, amputees or extremes of body weight.
                          Serum C reactive protein level       2         mg/l
                              NBiCRP assay sensitivity is now 0.2 mg/l                    <6.00ma/l

         30-Sep-2013    Liver function test
                           Serum alkaline phosphatase           68        u/L             40.0   - 129.00u/L
                           Serum total bilirubin level          15        umol/l          <15.00umo!/l
                           Serum total protein                  77        g/i             62.0   - 82.00g/I
                                                                                                 - 50.00g/L
                                  Serum albumin                 48        g/L
         30-Sep-2013      Urea and electrolytes Serum sodium                              135.0   - 145-OOmmol/i
                                                                138       mmol/I          3.50 - 5.50mmol/L
                           Serum potassium                      4.6       mmol/L          1.70 - 8.30mmol/l
                           Serum urea level                     4.5       mmol/l          42.0    - 102.00umol/l
                           Serum creatinine                     90        umol/l          2.0    - 15.00mm/hr
         30-Sep-2013    Erythrocyte sedimentation rate          2         mm/hr

         Printed 1:12Dm 26~Oct-20l8                                                                 Page 2 of 4

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