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26/10/2018 13:18
                                                               NIGHTINGALE SURGERY
                                                                                        PAGE 04/0 Nightingale House
          CORDELL, Simon (Mr.)                                                          surgery NHS Number 434 096
          Date of Birth: 26-Jan-1981                                                                        1671

           30-Sep-2Q13   I Full blood count - FBC
                         Please note: The units for Hb  end MCHC  have changed from  i/dl to g/L in line with national
                            Haemoglobin estimation               148      g/L              135.00'-165.0Qg/L
                            Total white blood count              9.1      x10 9/l          4-00 -11.00x10 9/I
                            Platelet count                       233      X10 9/I          135.00-420.00x10 9/I
                            Red blood cell (RBC) count           4.63     X10 12/I         4.50 - 6.00x10 12/I
                            Packed cell volume                   0.44     l/l              0.40 - 0.52I/I
                            ! Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)      97.7     fl               76.00 - 96. OOfl
                            ! Mean corpusc. Haemoglobln (MCH)    32.7     pg               27.00 - 32.00pg
                            Mean corpusc. Hb, cone. (MCHCi       335      g/L              315.00 - 365.00g/L
                            Neutrophil count                              X10 9/I          2.00 -7.50x10 9/I
                                 Percentage result; 67.03%       6.1
                            Lymphocyte count                     2.2      x1Q 9/l          1.00 -AG0x1Q 9/l
                                Percentage result: 24.1=8%
                            Monocyte count                       0.6      X10 9/I          0.20 - 1.00x10 9/l
                                 Percentage result: 6.59%
                            Eosinophil count                     0.1      X10 9/I          0.04 - 0.40x10 9/i
                                 Percentage result: 1.10%
                            Basophil count                       0.1      xIO^/l           0.02 -0.10x1 Q 9/I
                                 Percentage result: 1,10%
          07-NOV-2011    O/E - weight                            79       hg
          07-NOV-2011    O/E - height                            177      cm
          07-NOV-2011    Body Mass Index                         25.21    kg/m2
          I0-0ct-2011                                            32       nmol/L
                         Serum vitamin D. viewed by: YC
          1O-Oct-2011                                            66       ng/ml            15-300 ng/ml
                         Serum ferritin viewed by:
          10-Oct-2011                                            4.5      ug/L             2-14.5 ug/L
                         Serum folate viewed by: YC
          10-Oct-2011                                                     ng/L             190-900 ng/L
          10-Oct-2011    I Serum vitamin B12 164 viewed by: YC .gp comment: Make
                         Routine Appointment Full Blood Count viewed by:
          10-0ct-2011                                            3.4      UNKNOWN UNITS
                         Total cholesterol: HDL ratio viewed by:
          10-0ct-2011    AST serum level                         24       U/L              10-37 u/L
          1O-Oct-2011    IgA                                     3.22     g/i              0.8 - 3.9 g/l
                         viewed by:
          10-0ct-2011                                            4.5      mmol/l           3-6 mmol/l
                         Serum glucose level viewed by:
          10-Oct-2011    Serum HDL cholesterol level             1.2      mmol/I
          10-Oct-2011    Serum LDL cholesterol level             2.6      mmol/l           2.5 - 3,9 mmol/l
          10-Oct-2011    Serum triglycerides                     0.7      mmol/l
          10-Oct-2011    Serum cholesterol                       4.1      mmol/l           3.8 - 5.2 mmol/l
          10-Oct-2011    Serum inorganic phosphate               0.97     mmol/L           0.8 -1.4 mmol/L
          10-Oct-2011    Serum calcium                           2.31     mmol/L           2.1 - 2.6 mmol/L
          10-Oct-2011    Corrected serum calcium level           2.26     mmol/L           2.1 -2.6 mmol/L
          10-Oct-2011    Tissu transglutaminase IgA lev          1        U/mt
                                                               10.10.11 GIVEN ON 2.11J11 CH
          10-Oct-2011    .viewed by: YC PATH LAB RERl IITS OF
                         Serum lipids .viewed by:
                                                                          mmol/l           3.8 - 5.2 mmol/l
          10-0ct-2011       Serum cholesterol 4.1 Serum triglycerides 0.7 Thyroid
                         function test .viewed by: YC Bone profile
                         .viewed by: YC .gp comment Make Routine Appointment
          01-Jun-2009                                            2        per day
                         Cigarette smoker (Advised)
          05-Feb-1999    Current Drinker                         40       units/week

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