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Progress Notes                                                                          Page 32 of 53

             Chase Farm - Dorset Ward
             Formulation Meeting
             CORDELL, Simon P (Mr)

             Present: Dr Greensides (consultant), Dr Bruce (FY2) Uncle, mother, Daizy (staff nurse), Ola (student nurse) Soobah
             Appadoo (CC)
             MHA status: Section 2

             PC from Rio:
             •    17 Oct - referred for MHA due to history of physical and verbal aggression towards his neighbours. EANLT MDT
             agreed that he is a risk to others and his behaviour could also put him at risk from others. Simon refused to engage with
             MHA. Application for 135(1) was made - Judge found insufficient evidence for 136. Forensic referral sent on
             •    25 Oct - Simon was arrested as the police called to his flat re him breaking a harassment order and he assaulted
             the police who attended. He was taken to Wood Green police station. Found to be him thought disordered, hypomanic
             with flight of speech and grandiose delusions. Detained under MHA.
             Past Psychiatric Hx:
             •    Disrupted childhood, CSE in paedophile ring, violent father, adolesence in care, under CAMHS
             •    Self reports to have tried to hang himself twice at the age of 16 when in a young offenders institution; He was
             moved to a high security hospital and kept in seclusion on a number of occasions.
             •    Denies any contact with MHS between that point and 2014
             •    March 2014 - Adjustment reaction “anxiety and suicidal thoughts over the last nine months in the context of
             having a pending court case” offered Sertraline 50mg OD
             •    November 2014 - Simon’s mother called the HTT. Paranoid psychosis - not deemed sectionable under MHA
             •    November 2015 - Simon’s mother called the BEH HUB. Simon not eating, not sleeping, paranoid, saying people
             are talking about him or laughing at him, believes the government is advertising things about him, the TV is talking
             about him and talking directly to him. Smoking cannabis. Not sectionable under MHA.

             ■ February 2016 Warrant 135 (1) - not sufficient evidence of mental illness.
             •    August 2016 admitted under Section 2 of the MHA following custody at Wood Green station for threats to kill -
             section 2 reversed on appeal. Discharged on Olanzapine 5mg and followed up by EIS. Reports non compliance on
             discharge. Discharged from EIS Dec 2016 due to non engagement.
             •    Tenancy breach pre action letter 15/10/18 from Enfield council- antisocial behaviour since 2016, 48 accounts of
             threatening and abusive behaviour

             •    July 2018 Psychiatric assessment by Dr Dinakaran “Mr Cordell is currently suffering from symptoms of
             Schizoaffective Disorder and presents with florid psychotic symptoms”
             Past Medical Hx: Crohn’s noted on Rio. Has not attended GP since 2015
             Current Medications: nil

             Physical examination: NAD ECG: NSR 88bpm QTc 440ms

             Blood tests: WCC 14.3, Neut 10.1, CRP 13 (BG Crohns) UPS: THC positive

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