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Progress Notes                                                                           Page 33 of 53

           Care coordinator:
           This is only the second time meeting Simon. There have been issues with reports he is assaulting other residents in his
           council accommodation.
           Nursing report: Appears paranoid on the ward.
           Interview with patient:
           Simon appears very agitated and vocal and is keen to put across his opinion that he has been illegally detained.
           Simon reports issues with police actions in regards to not giving him the ASBO folder properly - this was left outside
           instead of giving it to him directly. Simon continued to explain other problems with the police’s treatment of him. This
           includes the metropolitan police having placed a photo of Simon in a folder in regards to a party he had no involvement
           with. He denies being involved in any of the parties mentioned in the ASBO. Simon spoke at length about the injustices
           surrounding his placement on curfew and the ASBO order.

           He describes how on multiple times doctors have tried to assess him under the MHA and he has explained to them at
           each time the situation with the police. He was once placed under a section 2 and was able to appeal his section.
           Simon reports the neighbours (11floors up) trying to deliberately disturb him by making a lot of noise and flushing the
           toilet multiple times. He feels they want him to get distressed and go upstairs to address them. They have been doing
           this over the last 4 years and are doing this throughout the day. From Simons flat you can even hear them talking -
           there is apparently very poor sound proofing.
           Simon has described a council official as having forged statements and falsely accusing him of threatening his life.
           Simon reports that he is being assaulted by his neighbours as is his partner’s small child. He feels the stress from this
           situation may have been linked to his partner’s miscarriage. Simon denies any acts of antisocial behaviour, even in
           retaliation. At every point where he approaches the upstairs neighbours he states he calls the police to ask then to
           “protect” him.

           In regards to the recent arrest he reports the police attended due to a fraudulent call from the neighbours. The police
           tried to hand him a breach of harassment order which Simon ripped and spat on the paper. The police officer then
           yelled that he had spat on her. He was then arrested for assault to a police officer. This charge was dropped in the
           police station and he was referred for a MHA.

           Simon is currently on benefits. He reports the expensive hardware he owns (eg 70000 pound bookmaker) he buys
           broken and second hand cheaply and fixes them. Simon works from home. He built a new model constitution - a
           community interest company which was a charity farm.

           Collateral information:

           His mother and uncle would like MHS to stop referring to Simon reporting the police as being prejudice against him as
           delusional - they believe this can be proved (showing photos of his company truck and hardware).

           Simon’s mother is very upset that doctors have submitted reports stating that he is delusional and grandiose. They feel
           the AMHP report is grossly inaccurate.
           Simon’s uncle is also upset that the MH team would not provide Simon with a letter to assist with his housing situation.
           They explain that the reason Simon has not be prosecuted for the complaints made by the neighbours is because each
           time Simon is able to "prove his innocence" directly to the police.

           Simons mother believes he is very stressed due to the conditions of the ASBO and his neighbours disturbing him.
           His uncle would like us to check the website that Simon has set up to highlight the injustices against him
           “”. (other websites mentioned by Simon include the Wayback machine and toosmooth)

           Capacity to consent to treatment- RETAINS CAPACITY
           Understand the information- Yes
           Retain the information- Yes


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