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Too Smooth Entertainment
             •  Hazards Identified for Each Activity Action to Minimize Risk.

             •  00/00/2014 Risk Assessment

             • Barley Lands farm advice you to carry your own risk assessment once you have
                 made your booking Have a look at the risk assessment below which may help you.

             •  You will be given a talk on health and safety before starting certain activities.

             •  Please let up know if you or someone you ate bringing have any allergies
                 or disabilities.

             •  Please ensure you have appropriate clothing for the day (including wet weather and
                 suitable footwear).

              Hazard Oh            Risks That  Potential           Controls Already in Place and Action
              Activity On                  are    To Cause                 Required by Visitors
               The Site          Associated         Harm
                                  With The
               Running            Hazards /         Low         Public must be supervised and instructed not
                                  Slipping,                                  to run on the site.
               Wet grass       tripping, falling    Low        Supervisors as well as members of public and

                                  Slipping,                    staff should be aware of the possibility of wet
                               falling, sprains                  grass and take precautions against slipping
                                                                                and falling.
                                  Slipping,                    Supervisors as well as members of public and
          Uneven surfaces                           Low
                               falling, sprains                staff should take care when walking and wear
                                                                             sensible footwear.
            Road and path         Slipping,                    Supervisors as well as members of public and
                edgings        tripping, falling                staff should take care at road and path edges
                                                                         to avoid tripping or falling.
                                  Slipping,                    Supervisors as well as members of public and
             Climbing of       tripping, falling    Hi              staff climb on walls, gates fences etc.
                objects                                         Children must be controlled at all times when
               Car Park            Moving           High         exiting and boarding the coach and tractor
              Main Road            Traffic          High         Everyone must be made aware of the road
                                                                and supervisors must ensure that members of
                                                               the public and staff should stay away from the
          Farm machinery           Moving           High     Supervisors must ensure that members of the

                                   vehicles                  public stay be aware that Barley lands and
                                                             Too Smooth Entertainment festival are a
                                                             working farm and large machinery does move
                                                             around the site. This will be covered
                                                              in the welcome and safety talk.

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