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P. 174

Too Smooth Entertainment

             Foreign objects       Cuts, burns,      Low         Supervisors should ensure that members of
                                    abrasions                    the public do not pick anything up while on
                                                                   the farm, unless instructed to do so by
                                                                              member of staff.
                 Animals            Infection,       High        All animals on site are properly controlled.
                                 biting, crushing              Your group will I have a member of staff with
                                    & kicking                     you who will advise on which animals to
                                                                  touch/feed and how to do so. Supervisors
                                                                 must ensure that children wash their hands
                                                                  after handling the animals and especially
                                                                 before eating and drinking. (Wet wipes are
                                                                              not sufficient).
             Hazard or activity   Risks associated  Potential   Controls already in place and action required
                In the site      with the hazards  to cause                     by visitors
              Bees, wasps,            Stings         Low             These are natural inhabitants of the
                 insects                                         countryside. Bees and wasps pose low risk
                                                                             unless provoked.
              Chemicals and      Inhalation, skin    High       All substances and chemicals are all kept in a
                substances       and eye contact                   locked building away from the public.
                Infection            Various         Low        Supervisors must ensure that members of the
                                                                 public wash their hands after touching the
                                                                animals and before having any food or drink.
                                                                Any cuts or abrasions should be protected by
                                                                 a dressing, there is a first aid points on the
                                                                     farm should a dressing be required.
              Petrol/diesel      Fire, explosion     High       The use of petrol and diesel driven equipment
                                                                   is monitored and controlled by the farm
                                                                   workers. All petrol and diesel tanks are
                                                                   locked to avoid access by the visitors.
                Electrical            Fire,          High          All electrical appliances are tested and
                equipment          electrocution                     inspected on a regular basis by the
                                                                maintenance staff. Visitors should not touch
                                                                   or interfere with electrical equipment.
              Straying into        Unidentified      Low          Staff and supervisors should ensure that
             prohibited areas        hazards                      members of the public do not wander off.
                                                                  This will be covered in the welcome and
                                                                                safety talk.
                Buildings        Unstable floors/    Low        Barley lands ensure the structural integrity of
                                   walls/roofs/                                all buildings.
                                  falling debris
                  Water           Falling in the     Lew        Supervisors as well as members of public and
                                      water                    staff should take care and will be instructed to
                                                                 stay away from the edges of the water and
                                                                 surrounding fencing perimeter. Supervisors
                                                                  should ensure that no one gets too close.
              Pond dipping       Direct access to    High         Barley lands farm have a fenced area and
                                   pond edge.        Low              gated access. Children should be
                                   Bacteria in                  accompanied by an adult when pond dipping.


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