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Too Smooth Entertainment

                                       pond.                Cuts must be covered and hands washed after
                                                           activity. This will be covered in the health and
                                                                            safety talk.
                Indoor and        Falling, tripping    Low Barley lands farm Children should be
               Outdoor Play                                                 supervised at all times.
              Bouncy Pillow          Falling off,      Low Members of the public should be supervised
                                   bouncing into       at all times and only allowed on in small
                                    one another        groups.
                Trampolines          Falling off,      Low Barley lands farm Children should be
                                   bouncing into            supervised at all times and only allowed on in
                                    one another                            small groups.
                      Wire           Falling off,      Low Barley lands farm Children should be
                                    getting hit by          supervised at all times and should only go on
                                        seat                  the zip wire one at a time and wait in the
                                                                          designated area.
               Tractor Ride         Falling over,      Low Supervisors should ensure that Members of
                                    falling when                 the public stay sitting down while the tractor
                                     getting off            is moving and help the public down from the
                                                                 tractor when the ride has finished.
                Train Ride         Injury if train     Low Passengers must keep their hands and arms
                                   derails, burns                inside the carriage at all times while the train
                                     from coal                              is in motion.
               Glass blowers       Cuts and bums       Low Barley lands farm Children and supervisors
                                                                   are only allowed in the viewing galleries.
                Blacksmith         Bums, sparks        Low Members of the public and supervisors are not
                                                       allowed past the barriers put in place in the
                                                       blacksmiths workshop.

            Site Plan

                • Included are the meeting points fox emergency services on site map here:

            Site Plan Checklist

                                     Site Plan Checklist                        Yes            No

            1        First Aid Posts
            2        Non-Alcohol Areas
            03       Non-Smoking Areas - Around Food Stalls Etc
            3        Licensed Liquor Consumption Areas
            4        Picnic, Quiet Areas
            5        Entrances & Exits
            6        Main Power, Water, Gas Control
            7        Taxi & Bus Stops
            8        Entertainment Sites
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