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I then called my insurance company as I keep their number on me as it is not shown on my insurance documents. So that PC Geoghegan
          could check I was insured to drive, He spoke to Martin Jerkins from Broadsure Direct and was told I was insured PC Geoghegan did not
          say anything about any tools in my van to Martin Jerkins from Broadsure Direct.
          PC Geoghegan did not seem happy with this; it was at this point PC Geoghegan called my insurance company again directly I overheard
          PC Geoghegan say I had tools in my van. Which I was upset about as I knew there were no tools in the van; PC Geoghegan had not
          searched my van so would not have known anything that was in my van.

          By this time a second officer had now joined us and I started talking to him and explaining the situation as to what was going on PC
          Geoghegan was still on the phone to the insurance company. I asked the second officer to check my van to see if there were tools in
          there, the second officer did this and saw my van had nothing in there.
          I believe it was the 2nd officer that saw the business card at the front of my van but it is a very long time ago so I am not 100% sure, I
          know I spoke to the officer about the business card and told him they were made up for Dean to try and get him some work. The police
          officer I am sure put the business card into his own wallet to keep for himself.

          PC Geoghegan then came back to me and told me I was not insured and due to this was going to seize my Van due to me using it for
          business use. PC Geoghegan also must have overheard me and the other police officer talking and made a comment about the business
          card, I told him they were made up for Dean to try and find him work.

          I was upset and called my mother to ask her to call my insurance company, Martin Jerkins called me back and again confirmed I was
          insured and confirmed that with the PC Geoghegan which he took no notice of.

          My mother also called me back and she asked to speak to the police officer. PC Geoghegan would not speak to her, but the other police
          officer there spoke to my mother. This police officer did confirm there were no tools in the van to my mother. There was more then one
          call my mother made that day to me and spoke with the other police officer as each time PC Geoghegan would not talk to her, each time
          she was told by the other police officer there were no tools in my van.

          PC Geoghegan did not appear to be satisfied with the fact I was insured from the start, and wanted to use anything he could think of to
          say I was not insured, to made up I had tools in my van knowing this would void my insurance by saying there were tools in my van
          when there was not, he would have known what my insurance coved as he had my insurance documents. All PC Geoghegan was saying
          that I was using my van for work purposes but he new this was not the case. I told him this was not the case and I was in the location for
          a meeting prospective future job as a manager of the night club.

          I told PC Geoghegan to look inside the van to check for any working tools which he did not do, the van was empty.

          PC Geoghegan asked why I had paint on my jeans and I explained to him that I did not have the money to buy a new pair and this is why
          I was looking for work. I asked the officer to go into the building where I was due to have a meeting and confirm that I was not there to
          work but the officer refused.

          I am aware that my insurance allows me to drive to a meeting as long as I am not carrying any goods for a company which I was not and
          this could clearly be seen as my van was empty.

          PC Geoghegan did not listen to anything I had to say and I believe he was looking for any reason to either arrest me or seize my van from
          the start.

          I asked PC Geoghegan to call an inspector to the road side as I was really not happy with what was going on.
          The inspector turned up very fast and also did not listen to what I had to say and only believe what PC Geoghegan had to say. The
          inspector did not check the van for any tools, and told me if I did not agree with what PC Geoghegan had said then I could have my say
          and take it to court. I believe if the inspector had addressed the issues at the road side, he would have seen there was something clearly
          wrong. This is his duty to do this but he done nothing and allowed PC Geoghegan to do what he wanted knowing he did not have facts to
          do what he was doing, the inspector then left.

          PC Geoghegan asked me to sign a ticket in order to give me 6 points on my driving licence, a £300 fine and for my van to be seized. I
          refused to sign the ticket as I knew I was insured so I told the officer to arrest me. I was subsequently arrested and taken to Southwark
          Police Station.

          I was on the phone to my mother throughout this incident and the second officer, PC Smith I believe his name is, spoke to my mother and
          confirmed to her the van was empty.

          Once at the Police Station I was told to sign the ticket or I would be taken directly to court the next morning. I told them I was willing to
          attend court as I had done nothing wrong. I was forced to sign the ticket and made to leave the station. I asked to speak to an Inspector as
          I wished to complain about the incident but the Inspector told me as the officers were from Brixton there was

          Signed      …………………                            Witnessed By      ………………………………
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