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At this times lots of calls was both made to KMG and Broadsure to stop the
            cancelation of my insurance policy, I spoke to Kelly Tiller many times but
            she believed the police and I had no say in the matter. The police was off
            duty so I could not speak to them and Kelly Tiller was saying unless I could
            prove I did not have any tools in my van then the insurance policy would be
            cancelled which was very unfair as I had done nothing wrong I new I never
            had any tools.

            But I also asked Kelly Tiller did the police tell her what tools was meant
            to be in my van, to which she said no. KGM was not even aware I had
            mechanics trade on my policy so if my mechanics tools had been in my van at
            the time my insurance would still have been cancelled which to me what was
            the point in having insurance?

            I then spoke to a wonderful operator at the police when I called told her
            what had gone on and was told by her to go to the police compound as when
            any vehicles are taken there they have to do a full list of items that are
            in the vehicles as they are in fact legible if something goes missing. Over
            that weekend I sent emails to the compound and forwarded them to Broadsure
            as my insurance was due to be cancelled on the Monday. On Monday I got an
            email from Broadsure direct asking me to go to the compound as Kelly Tiller
            had no luck getting a reply from them also, and once there to call Kelly
            Tiller due to the time on the Monday I got the email it would have been to
            late to go the compound and get a call to Kelly Tiller as she would have
            ended work for that day so I sent an email saying I would be going there
            early the next morning.

            I went the next day and asked to speak to the manger of the compound who in
            fact looked up my van and said nothing was in there, there was not tools I
            called Kelly Tiller and the manager of the compound spoke to her and
            confirmed there was nothing in the van when it was taken there by police and
            that I had put thing in the van when I had taken it out of the compound.

            At this point Kelly tiller believed me and said the policy would not be
            cancelled. But on my way back from the compound driving my phone ring and I
            stopped to pick it up and it was Broadsure direct saying my policy had in
            fact been cancelled I was very upset at this and told them what had
            happened, I was asked to hold on they was called KGM back and would call me
            right back. I waited till Broadsure direct called me back and confirmed my
            insurance policy had not been cancelled then drove home.

            From this point I have been asking for all information and putting data
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