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Jan 2013
               by KGM. I do believe now it was something to do with a space being placed within the
               numbers of the reg of the Vehicles, the insurance database accepts this, but the mid database
               does not. But this is documented well in emails. Also why has KGM never sent me any
               letters of this claim being held against me?
               there was a call from KGM about the
               Sep 2013
               but I told the person who called I did not own the Van at that time I was asked to send in the
               bill of sale and I did, after this I did not hear anything else about this so was thinking
               everything was ok until it was time for my renewal it was only at this point I was told about
               this claim being on my insurance, It is also well known you have my mums phone number
               which is on file which is 0208 245 7454 and there is always someone at home so if there was
               any issues why no phone calls or any letters about this?
               But also, I am sure there should have been a letter sent about this claim and there have never
               been any letters sent. There are some more issues and that is the claim for
               Dec 2013
               when Simon was taking my car to service it. As you are aware KGM even said Simon was
               not covered by his trade policy and you had to call them and sort this issue out. But that still
               does not cover the fact Simon has made many calls and also sent emails about this claim.
               Which we still have not heard anything back about also there has been no letters sent about
               this claim also. The last time he called he was told that someone would be sent out to take a
               report for this claim yet again there have been no phone calls or letters to set this up so a
               report can be taken. There is also a problem that on the
               when he called to report this, he gave over a witness information IE Name and her phone
               number which on the last call that was made they did not seem to have any information as to
               the witness information I have checked my phone bill and the call was made please see
               Mon 09 Dec 13:28 SPEC SERV 08444126412 22:00
               The call was made to 08444126412 at 13:28 and lasted 22 min this is when Simon called to
               report what had happened on the
               and give all the information which the person noted. I have asked for the recoding of the
               phone call be pulled out and heard so that the information as to the witness can be put on this
               claim and contacted yet I have heard nothing also. I have asked and emailed many times
               about this claim and it seems nothing has been done but yet KGM wants to hold this claim
               also against my insurance. There is also the fact on the
               an email was sent to Kelly Tiller at KGM about a subject access request under the data
               protection act 1998 again I have heard nothing about this, and more emails have been sent
               over about this. Please can these issued be addressed I paid for my insurance and it seems that
               nothing gets done it does not matter how many times calls are made or emails are sent KGM
               are just leaving everything. How long should it take to sort out a claim? Should I have had at
               least a letter?
               Why has nothing been addressed?
               As at this time due to these claims I cannot work and this is costing me money every day I am
               not insured.
               From: Martin Jenkin [Mail]
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