Page 150 - 5. 2015 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 150

Q                 You may leave the courtroom but don’t leave the
                                   building, please.
                 A                 Yes, your Honour.
                                   Thank you.
                 (The witness withdrew)

                 THE               Anything else, Mr Pottinger, you wish to call?
                 MR                No.
                 THE               Any other evidence?
                 MR                No.
                 THE               That’s it, is it?
                 MR                There’s five minutes before lunch. I’ve got a
                 KENNEDY:          submission. It’s a ^ very short one. I can fit it in the
                                   five minutes.
                 THE               Yes. Thank you. Fire away.
                 MR                Well, the burden is on the Crown to establish beyond
                 KENNEDY:          reasonable doubt that Mr Cordell was working that
                                   day. They’ve only called one witness. I p suggest to
                                   you that he was a problematic witness and that in terms
                                   of the factors that he records that would suggest that he
                                   was working, they don’t reach the threshold of beyond
                                   reasonable doubt. You’ve got that it was a work day
                                   during working hours but that doesn’t really take the
                                   case anywhere. We’ve got a suggestion of paint on
                                   clothing. Well, you’ve heard that it’s been challenged.
                                   It’s a matter for you how much credibility you give
                                   that witness, but it doesn’t take the G case to the
                                   threshold, I suggest. The same for cards. And there is -
                                   there’s an absence — aside from that there’s an
                                   absence of — of the sort of thing that you might expect
                                   to be produced to prove somebody was working. Your
                                   Honour just raised a couple but the list is long, isn’t it?
                                   There are ladders, paint pots, tools, any paraphernalia.
                                   Not even a search of the van and no enquiries, it
                                   appears, made with — at the scene of the person he —
                                   it’s — with anybody, no — no enquiries at the ® scene
                                   to establish that he was working.
                 MR                It’s Galbraith (Inaudible), isn’t it?
                                   Yes. I would suggest the answer is No.
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