Page 28 - 6. 2016 Diary 1st half New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 28

Could you get back to me via email as to the time it will take to get all the information I have
               asked for within my request?
               From: Ned Johnson [
               Sent: 05 March 2015 16:39
               Cc: Esg Complaints
               Subject: RE FOI 11845 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
               Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
               Dear Miss Cordell,
               Thank you for your email received on February 10th, 2015 where you requested information
               regarding illegal raves/parties. In response to your questions:
               All dates and times and addresses to any illegal rave/parties where the Noise and Nuisance
               Team attended:
               08/6/14, no time recorded, Progress Way, Enfield.
               Any paperwork was served to any person/persons and if need known. copies of any
               paperwork served:
               No paperwork served.
               All the calls that were made on any dates to the Noise and Nuisance Team to make them
               aware that an illegal rave/parties were taking place
               Progress Way:
               13/6/14: 1 call 12/6/14: 2 calls after event 09/6/14: 2 calls after event 08/6/14: 6 calls 07/6/14:
               8 calls
               Leeside Road:
               15/7/13: 1 call after event
               46 Crown Road:
               18/5/14: 3 calls after event
               19/5/14: 6 calls after event
               21/5/14: 1 call after event
               31/5/14: 2 calls
               01/6/14: 6 calls
               2/6/14: 4 calls after event
               4/6/14: 1 call after event
               06/6/14: 1 call
               08/6/14: 3 calls
               09/6/14: 1 call after event
               13/6/14: 2 calls
               Any noise abatement orders that was put on any addresses where an illegal rave/parties was
               taking place. This would include any noise abatement that were put in place before an illegal
               rave/parties took place. This would include dates and times the noise abatement, orders were
               served on an address and to whom and to forward copies of any such noise abatement orders
               within this request:
               No noise abatement notices served.
               Personal names who attended the address and times and dates of any person attending from
               the Noise and Nuisance Team and any police officer names or IDs that attended with the
               Noise and Nuisance Team:
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