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Appeal hearing, They could also not get a Barrister, and did
                 not want to meet with the client. His Honour Judge Morrison
                 had never heard that solicitors that could not get a barrister
                 and ordered that a Public Defender took over the case to act
                 for The Appellant. Three-day Appeal hearing listed for
                 Mr Morris acting Public Defender attended Court on this day
                 to act for The Appellant; The Appellant had not met Mr
                 Morris before this date. Mr Morris had only had the case
                 since the
                 and was not ready for the 3-day Appeal hearing. He wanted
                 time to be able to go over all the large case bundles and be
                 able to sit down and talk to The Appellant, so asked for an
                 adjournment. HHJ-PAWLAK was very unsympathetic and
                 said he had the weekend to get ready for this case and that
                 the Appeal would go ahead. Considering this was the Public
                 Defender that His Honour Judge Morrison had allocated to
                 the case only 3 days beforehand it seemed that The
                 Appellant was the one being penalised for the incompetence
                 of his acting solicitors Michael Carroll & Co. The
                 Appellant’s health had deteriorated considerably due to what
                 was happening within this case and other issues, the mental
                 health team had obtained a section 135 warrant under the
                 mental health act and it was only because of the disdain
                 towards The Appellant, The Appellants Mother had to hand
                 this to his acting barrister to give to the Judge, knowing this
                 would cause a huge rift between The Appellant and his
                 mother. But she had no option as the Judge was going to
                 force the Appeal hearing to go ahead, when The Appellant
                 mother knew The Appellant would not cope and that they
                 had only just got the case handed to him and was not ready
                 he had not even meet with The Appellant. Upon Mr Morris
                 handing the documents to the Judge the Judge then unwilling
                 adjourned the Appeal hearing until the
                 for a 3-day hearing. The Judge listed the case for a mention
                 hearing also on the
                 after this Court hearing HHJ-PAWLAK wrote a letter to the
                 acting solicitors Michael Carroll and co that had to be
                 replied to by the
                 See Attached letter from Judge: --
                 See attached response from Solicitors dated
                 The Judge wrote a letter to The Appellant’s solicitors on the
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