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P. 291

In truth The Appellant agreed for a letter that Miss Ward had written in reply to the Judge’s
               letter for the Appellant to be amended, he had amended it himself and it was to be handed
               into the court, the Appellant solicitor was at Court so she knew the Appellant had amended
               the letter, this is to be inclusive of it being sent to her by email, as she was in the court on this
               date to.
               On this date when Miss Ward was a court she said to the judge that the Appellant had drafted
               the letter when the Appellant had only amended it, Miss Ward continued to say, that she did
               not draft the Letter and that the Appellant wrote it, this is not true, at this the Appellant did
               call Miss ward a lair as the Appellant knew Miss Ward had drafted the letter herself at first.
               The Appellant later explained to Miss Ward on the phone that he could prove the truth and
               said, I have the emails you sent to me and my mother of the letter we talk about and me
               amending it, in return for you. It was also explained to all that we have kept copies of all
               other correspondence between our persons and this is to include (Since the start of the Court
               The Appellant mother has checked the dates for when this letter was drafted by The
               Appellant solicitor and then returned to her, the date was on the 03/04/2016 please see
               attached email
               and letter (marked 03/04/2016 Ms Ward).
               The Appellant barrister was listening to the phone call and after the Appellant ended the
               barrister got up and said I will need to think about still representing you as you called your
               solicitors a lair, the Appellant stated that he can prove that Miss Ward wrote the letter and
               she’s denying as to doing so and further expressed himself in question the line of
               investigation by saying:- “how would anyone body else’s feel, if she had lied about them,”
               the Appellant barrister then replied that if he was still going to represent the Appellant then
               there would need to be a meeting at the Appellant barrister chambers, at this point the
               meeting concluded, with nothing else really spoke of about the Appellant Appeal yet again,
               this was days before the Appeal hearing was due to start once again.
               Up to here for now
               A while after the Solicitor wrote a letter and sent it to the Appellant and the Appellants
               mother, the date of this received email is dated 20/09/2016 and a copy had also been sent to
               the Court, this application was put in so for the acting solicitor to once again attempt to be
               removed from the record this was done to our surprise and was listed in Court to be heard on
               the 21/09/2016.
               There were large sections of this letter that were incorrect and did not happen so therefore are
               not true; this can also be proven by the Court transcripts from the 16/09/2016.
               On the 21/01/2016 we were on our way to Court and got caught in traffic, we contacted the
               Court to get a message to the Judge to say that we were going to be five to ten minutes late, “I
               know the Judge got the message.”
               When we got to the Court, there was a barrister that Michael Carroll and Co had sent to the
               Court to deal with the application; this was so for them to be removed from the record for the
               second attempt.
               The Barrister informed us she did not want to leave the Court before explaining what had
               happened it seemed the Judge had called this into Court without us being present and
               removed the solicitors from the record.
               We question how could this have happened? Considering, the Appellant was not present at
               Court? And there was not a senior Partner from Michael Carroll and Co; “this question is due
               to what had been previously said by His Honour Judge Morrison on 19/02/2016 in regard to
               this not being allowed to happen.”
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