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Though the case history multiple documents had been handed to the Court, and them
               documents did not get patronised correctly or indexed into The Appellant’s bundles, this
               includes the court and the Respondent bundles that they were using also.
               A whole weekend was spent trying to add missing documents to the Appellant’s bundle and
               making copies so that on the Court date of the 26-09-2016; any missing files could be added
               to the Respondent bundle and the three Judge’s bundles. The Appellant health had become
               very unstable due to him knowing that he was going to have to be dealing with this
               The Appellant mother also spent part of the weekend also writing a letter to the Judge in
               regards to what had gone on with the breaches in The Appellant’s human rights, his article 6
               human rights the Applicants rights to a fair and speedy trial, there were also a list of other
               things that had gone on throughout the case since 2014 in regards to the nondisclosure, and
               other issues that was always being raised when at Court and the reason as to why legal aid
               had been granted:
               Due to the complexity of the case.
               Due to The Appellant’s learning difficulties.
               Due to the concerns of The Appellant health.
               This letter was emailed to the Court and asked to be passed to the Judge.
               Please see letter that was emailed to the judge
               The 26 September 2016 the three-day Appeal hearing was due to start, The Appellant was so
               unwell that there was no way he could attend Court, Mr A Cordell and Miss L Cordell
               attended Court to speak to the Judge, when the Judge entered the Courtroom he stated that he
               had received a letter that had to be addressed, he stated that he felt this would go to judicial
               review, he stated he had three options:
               Carry on with the Appeal in the hope that The Appellant would turn up the following day.
               To Dismiss the Appeal.
               Adjourn the Appeal to a new date.
               The Judge went over the letter in great detail; he started around five times that he felt that this
               case was going to go to judicial review.
               The Judge decided to adjourn the case until the 16/01/2017; this was later changed for the
               Appeal to start on the 17/01/2017. The Respondent had tried to object to the Appeal being
               adjourned. The Judge stated that we should try to find a new solicitor to take on the Appeal
               and that he would help and also make sure that legal aid was in place.
               The Judge asked why The Appellant was not in Court. The Appellant mother stated The
               Appellant had become so unwell due to what was going on in this case and that he was not
               coping. Information was passed to the Judge that showed The Appellant was unwell.
               Mentioned in court; was also the missing documents that was missing from The Appellant’s
               bundle, and that there were no statements within the bundle, my mother stated to the Judge
               that she had spent a lot of the weekend trying to update The Appellant’s bundle and make
               sure that it was indexed correctly,

               Additional Email Attachments & Emails / Issue:
               42. 1. 2.
               Asbo Rewired -1-4820 26-04-2017 18-58
               / Page Numbers: 160,161,162
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