Page 77 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 77

Police Officer; silence
               Police Officer; I am not going to commit on that
               Simon; I have got sixteen different witness statements here right now in front of me
               Police Officer; I am not going to answer that question what I will tell you
               Simon; are you going to protect me
               Police Officer; silence
               Simon; I from these police officers I cannot even walk down my own home town streets right
               now because these police officers know that I have this evidence here right now and that I
               believe that they are going to grab me and set me up even further than they have already set
               me up
               Police Officer; Simon, Simon, Simon, Simon,
               Police Officer; Simon if you are not going to listen, I will just clear the line
               Simon; I do not want you to just do that I just want somebody to help me and remember why
               they signed up to be police officers in the first place under there codes of conduct
               Police Officer; Simon you have got two ears you should listen twice as much as you should
               Simon; yes, go on ok I will accept that one I will accept that 100% "giggle"`
               Police Officer; `
               Simon; but I am a man that will listen to reason
               Police Officer; silence
               Simon; hello
               Police Officer; from what you are saying to me you have some sort grievance with the police
               members of the police because they have taken you to court previously correct yes or no
               Simon; no, no, no, what I have got a grievance against the pole are is that they decided to
               collaborate and fabricate evidence for their own self gain and then
               Police Officer; Simon, Simon, Simon
               Simon; so that they can have an effect on my way of life and my human right
               Police Officer; Simon, Simon
               Simon; breaking the 1961
               Police Officer; Simon stop talking
               Simon; come on you know that I am real
               Police Officer; silence
               Simon; I cannot walk down my own town street because of these coppers
               Police Officer;
               Simon; yes, it is not fair
               Police Officer; Simon, Simon
               Simon; yes, if they were working for me at a festival and they started to do this to other
               people in a festival I would stand up
               Police Officer; I am going to have to clear the line
               Simon; Williams you cannot clear the line I am talking to you about something that is
               important ``
               Police Officer; listen to me
               Simon; I am asking for you to send a police officer to my address do you know what they
               done Williams can I explain even further what evidence I have
               Police Officer; listen no, no, no, no you can’t explain even further what evidence you have
               because I am telling you if you are trying to, if you wish to complain about police, which you
               did yesterday didn’t you
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