Page 80 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 80

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi
               I'd like to apologise for the late reply to this email, I've just come out of hospital after
               undergoing two operations and only got released from hospital late on the
               17 March 2017
               You stated in your letter to Mr Cordell, that the first letter you wrote was dated
               29 December 2016
               and that you set a meeting for
               6 December 2016
               this is incorrect, as the date for the meeting was set for
               6 January 2017
               yes, this meeting was cancelled, you've then stated you wrote a letter on
               31 January 2017
               to arrange a meeting for
               9 February 2017
               this meeting was also cancelled, the reason these two meetings were cancelled was due to the
               ongoing complaint that was being addressed by Enfield council that still needs addressing but
               due to the data that came back from the subject access request and it not being completed
               properly this letter still needs to be reply to, there was also a subject access request that was
               put in to Enfield Council that we was waiting to be addressed and to receive the data back
               which as you are aware did take a considerable amount of time, and also the complaint also
               was delayed in a reply. As stated to you via email we felt it was unjustified to hold a meeting
               when there was an ongoing complaint, and a subject access request that we were waiting for,
               as you are aware there are still issues regarding the subject access request, which does need to
               be addressed. You then stated that she wrote again on
               16 February 2017
               and arranged a meeting for
               22 February 2017
               which was also cancelled, but you were also notified there was still issues with the subject
               access request, and that I had a meeting regarding the issues which was set for the
               9 March 2017
               I stated to you that I would get back to you with a convenient date for the meeting to take
               place, but due to illness things have got delayed. You have also stated that it is very
               unfortunate that there have been repeated refusals to meet in regards to the issues with the
               neighbours, I feel that this is very misleading we have not refused once to have a meeting
               with you, but due to ongoing issues meetings have had to be cancelled with a justified reason,
               so how you can take this as a refusal is beyond me, we have kept you informed at every stage
               of every letter that you send out giving you reasons as to why the meetings could not take
               place. Therefore, I do not understand how you can interpret this as a refusal. You will also be
               aware that my son does have health problems and that he does not leave his flat, not once
               have you thought in all the letters that you sent out how someone that does not leave his flat
               is going to be able to attend a meeting at the Civic Centre, therefore I am asking for the
               meeting to take place at Mr Cordell's home address, due to Mr Cordell's health, arrangements
               will need to be made that someone is at the meeting with Mr Cordell, and under no
               circumstances will Mr Cordell be addressing the issues while he is on his own. You have also
               stated that if Mr Cordell does not attend or set a new date that you will be putting an
               application seeking possession of his home, it seems that Enfield Council have already made
               their mind up that Mr Cordell is guilty of what has been alleged in the complaints, you also
               state that if any further allegations are made against Mr Cordell that you can take legal action,
               since your last update with the dates has there been any more allegations against Mr Cordell?
               Next week I have a number of hospital appointments so it will really be hard to do the
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