Page 79 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 2nd Half
P. 79

Simon; pardon who is the person dealing with my complaint I have been told that they will
               send a person to my address `
               Police Officer; no, no, no,
               Simon; once the case is over
               Police Officer; no stop no
               Simon; so how am I going to meet these police officers? or met yourselves or met somebody
               that is going to deal with my complaint all the letter I have got loads of letters  that have gone
               in to the MP's I have had to show the doctors all the doctors are saying that they have seen
               the case papers and they are saying that it is clear fraud
               Police Officer; Simon
               Simon; every person that has looked at it has said
               Police Officer; Simon
               Simon; has said that it is fraud
               Police Officer; stop talking I just need you to answer yes or no
               Simon; ok then I will make a fresh complaint with yourself now then
               Police Officer; silence
               Police Officer; look we got there in the end OK fantastic
               Simon; I do not see why a fresh complaint has to go in
               Police Officer; silence
               Simon; I have always known these coppers since I was a kid PC shin nick and that they went
               outside progress way and added like fifteen 999 calls they messed up they covered up Steve
               Elsmore covered over their names like when it says call ordinary yes and then it says the
               name then  it will say the
               Police Officer; look Simon stop talking, can I just confirm your date of birth is the
               Simon; yes, and I am doing more than talking I am about to go public
               Police Officer; dead
               Simon; and they’re going to lose their mortgages and `there carers unless some police officer
               deals with this behind closed doors with me
               Police Officer; what will ever make you happy
               Simon; pardon
               Police Officer; your dead
               Simon; yes, I will I have lost half of my life because of what they have done my hole estate
               has had to go through this for the last four years and there are no real witness statements they
               made them up none of them police
               Police Officer; what is your address
               Simon; pardon
               Police Officer; what is your address
               Simon; Burncroft Avenue my whole estate has got to go through this for the last four years
               and the next four years
               Police Officer;
               Simon; I went to court the other day and I said to them I will not bring up the corruption if
               they drop it under the grounds of trespass which is right
               Police Officer; phone put down

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               Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi
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