Page 243 - 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table All
P. 243
cannot even say why condition 5 has been imposed because condition 4 conflicts with
condition 5 in certain parts. And who would want to hire or take on The Appellant if he had
to ask for written permission which would be degrading for The Appellant to have to ask
each time he wanted to go somewhere or had a contact and had to explain why he needed it to
be confirmed in writing by the owner and/or leaseholder of the property,
These are just a few concerns with the conditions that The Appellant is under, there is other
concerns with other conditions set at by the Courts that are of concern.
How this case could have been proven is beyond me, I have only done a brief account of
information within this letter. there is a lot of information I have not included due to trying to
keep this letter as short as I could.
I only wanted Justice for my son, but due to a mistake I done it seems there will be no Justice
and the true facts will never be been known. And my son will suffer for something he did not
do. I did call the High Court then I realised I had made a mistake and told them I was going
to be late submitting documents due to trying to get help from a legal person. And as for the
beaches of my son's human rights do, they do not matter.
There is so much wrong with this case, and the way the courts addressed it was not correct
since 2014.
Best Regards
Written by Miss Lorraine Cordell on behalf of Mr Simon Cordell
The banging Started!
Flat – 113 – George Quinton (responsible)
Stain Curtis (responsible)
Mathilgen Family and friends (Responsible)
All-Day and All-Night!
By allowing them to achieve their goals of cruelty towards me I got left abandoned in feeling
The Enfield Homes and the Enfield Council staff aloud the past occupier of 113 Burncroft
Avenue to assault me and now so does the new tenant George, even low I am kind and
respectful towards him 117 and 111 Continued to victimizing me with
Stain knocked on my letter box when he is leaving his premises, like a person playing the
game called knock down ginger!
Victimizing me by Banging above the Barth to which I get into, once they understand that I
have ceased running the dihydrogen Monoxide for my bath to be yare, this is after they wait
for any other tail, tail signs that I have gotten divested and marinated within the dihydrogen
Monoxide engendering a brutal attack against my person in their wrongful self-gains!
113 - 117 and 111 today kept on Banging with objects onto the internal main buildings walls
and floors, so to dismay surely me and maybe others living close by whom maybe present to
an extent only worthwhile for the perpetrators munificent glory, In them perpetrators kenning
that there deportment would only leave all those getting victimized towards getting left by
their wrongful actions as to being put into a state of a noetic health patient and not rightfully
with this occurring within mine and their rented or paid for homes!
117 - Slamming their own living room, window continually opened and closed relish to
expound a person making competitive beats out aloud!
George and the Mathilgen family today kept on Jumping up and down on the floor above
where ever they can tell that I am present below!
Victimizing me by Banging above the Barth to which I get into, once they understand that I
have ceased running the dihydrogen Monoxide for my bath to be yare, this is after they wait