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other anarchist groups, the claimant has never been involved in any activist groups, and is
               highly insulted that the police could say the name Black Block came out of his mouth, Black
               Block is a known NF group, so please why would the claimant have said such things when he
               is mixed race.
               There is also concern with the date of this report, it was filed on the police’s system, it would
               seem police were together when the reports was made for 2 dates in the application, when
               they must have already knew the police wanted to bring this application against the claimant.
               If you look at the below and look at the two URN numbers, you will see this.
                  Information Report                                            Officer Safety
                         URN              YERT00376229            GPMS         RESTRICTED
                      Event Date              Created         Last Updated
                      24/07/2014             27/07/2014         31/07/2014
                  Information Report                                            Officer Safety
                         URN              YERT00376227            GPMS         RESTRICTED
                      Event Date              Created         Last Updated
                      27/07/2014             27/07/2014         27/07/2014
               27/07/2014 Millmarsh Lane Enfield:
               On this date the claimant is alleged to have organised a rave and/or supplied equipment, the
               claimant disputes this, there was some homeless people living in premises at Millmarsh Lane,
               I had been invited to attend a 20th birthday party the claimant did not know about any rave
               only that a homeless person was having their 20  birthday party, there was only a few people
               there and they was the homeless people living there. The claimant did not have any
               equipment there, did not load any equipment or hiring the equipment.
               The claimant did not act in any anti-social manner on this date.
               Letter to high court C0 2171 2017.pdf
               Within the police report it states the police had been given intelligence that a rave was due to
               take place, why is this intelligence not within the application.
               The police report also states there was a large stack of speakers being powered by the
               claimant’s van, I do not understand how this is possible the voltage for a sound system would
               be 240 V the voltage on a van is only 12 V this would make it impossible for a van to power
               a sound system.
               It would also be of concern that when police were writing these reports, they were together
               (please see URN above). At this point the police would have known the antisocial behaviour
               order application was going to be submitted and anything that was being added would go
               well with their case (True or untrue).
               09/08/2014 to 10/08/2014 Millmarsh Lane Enfield:
               On this date the claimant is being accused of organising and or supplying equipment at
               Millmarsh Lane Enfield, the claimant disputes this, the claimant was not involved in the
               organisation of any rave and did not supply equipment, police state this event was run by
               Every Decibel Matters, the claimant can confirm that he is not an employee of this
               organisation or a shareholder or a director and he has no controlling interest in the company.
               Information was supplied within the application by the director of Every Decibel Matters that
               confirms this.
               On this date I had gone to see the people that was homeless that was living in Millmarsh Lane
               Enfield, the police were well aware that homeless people were living in this location in
               premises from weeks earlier.
               As stated before I have done a lot of research, it seems every decibel matters had police turn
               up at their addresses stating they would be arrested if they carried on with this event, the
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