Page 347 - 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table All
P. 347

standing in front of him.   Reply:
                                                  “My Note: This lie got made up as
                                                  a fake / forged allegation against
                                                  myself while I was staying at my
                                                  mother’s house due to police &
                                                  court bail conditions
                                                  A letter first got sent by the
                                                  Mathiyalagan family to the Enfield
                                                  Council a whole 2 weeks after I got
                                                  placed on bail “first complaint
                                                  stating that I was a drug addict,
                                                  then on afterwards followed by 3
                                                  times telephone calls made to the
                                                  council. Soon afterwards a meeting
                                                  got held at the civic centre
                                                  including Miss Sarah Flexure.
                                                     •  The 1st by letter sent to the
                                                         Enfield Council received on
                                                         the 17/10/2016
                                                     •  1st phone call:
                                                     •  2nd phone call;
                                                     •  3rd phone call;
                                                  and then after a meeting between
                                                  Sarah Fletcher and the
                                                  Mathiyalagans took place on the
                                                  11/11/2016” While I was staying at
                                                  my mother’s on bail conditions.
                                                  None of the names mentioned
                                                  realised that I was on bail
                                                  conditions until the 22/11/2016
                                                  when I made a phone call to Miss
                                                  Sarah Flexure from my mother’s

                        (4)                       1. Particulars of Breaches (4)
                        Sometime in September  Reply:
                        2016 it is alleged that
                        you confronted an         2.  Particulars of Breaches (4)
                        elderly neighbour         Reply:
                        outside your block of     The 1st Injunction Order
                        flats, 109-119 Burncroft  Stain Curtis
                        Avenue as he was going  Council History
                        to the local park with    Page Numbers: 46,
                        another resident and      47,
                        started to shout abuse    48,
                        and threats at him and    49,
                        said to him ‘I can get    50,
                        you over at the park, I   51,
                        know you go for a         52,
                        walk’.                    Complaint Made
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