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Q Without going into detail, were you — were you able to issue the ticket at the time?
                   A Not initially, no.

                   Q But were you able to establish a satisfactory address at the scene of him?
                   A Not at the scene, no, but subsequently we were able to issue a fixed penalty notice.

                   Q Again in general terms was Mr Cordell being co-operative?
                   A No.

                   Q What was his demeanour and how did that develop?
                   A I would say unco-operative. I personally found some of the language he was using
                   towards me quite offensive, some of the comments he was making.

                   Q Did you call for assistance from — from a senior officer at one stage?
                   A Mr Cordell insisted at one point that — that an Inspector attend. Fortunately as it
                   was, as I mentioned, a traffic operation, there was an Inspector within the sort of
                   immediate area and an Inspector did come down and speak to Mr Cordell.

                   Q After the Inspector had left, were you still able — were you then able to issue the
                   fixed penalty notice?
                   A No, I was not.

                   Q I think you eventually - is that right? - arrested him? Is that right?
                   A Yes. Unfortunately, I was inevitably having to deal with it by that way because, you
                   know, he was so unco-operative.

                   Q But I think at the police station - is that right? - with the help of the custody sergeant
                   you were then able to issue the fixed penalty notice?
                   A Yes, yes.

                   Q Is that right?
                   A Yes.
                   Q And I think you — you made a further check on the policy back at the police station
                   to check it was social, domestic, and pleasure and -- and motor trade? Is that right?
                   A Yes. I contacted MIB, the Motor Insurance Bureau.

                   MR POTTINGER: Yes. If you’d just like to wait there.

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