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                Q You did not speak to anyone he was working for?
                A No.

                Q You did not seize or view any paperwork pertaining to him working that day?
                A No.
                Q When he was cautioned, he said “Nah, you don’t know nothing. I was trying to get a
                job here. You don’t understand, man”? That’s what you’ve noted?
                A Yes.

                Q Isn’t it the case that before he made that comment following arrest that he was
  C             explaining to you that he wasn’t working and that he was actually going to see someone
                about getting future work?
                A The only comment I’ve made in my notes is — is that initial one which stated -- where
                he stated “I’ll give you my insurance but I’m just going in there to do some work”.

                Q Forget your notes for a moment. Let’s concentrate on this phrase, this agreed phrase -
  D             “Nah, you don’t know nothing. I was trying to get a job here. You don’t understand,
                man.” Okay? Before he said that, isn’t it the position that he was explaining “I was trying
                to get a job here”?
                A I don’t recall that. My — my recollection is that he was there to try and get some work.

                Q All right — sorry?
  E             A He was there to try and get some work. So whether it — I don’t know whether you’re
                asking me about a job or work. It’s -----------------

                Q That was — that was what he said? “I’m there to try and get some work”?
                A Yes.

  F             Q Now we know he said that after arrest. Yes? You’ve noted that.
                A I don’t believe it was after arrest.

                Q Sorry. After caution.
                A Yes, after caution.

                Q Yes. He’d said that earlier before that, hadn’t he?
  G             A Sorry, can I ask you just to go over that again?

                Q Yes. Right. You’ve said how you cautioned him. And you reasonably suspected Mr
                Cordell was driving the vehicle for business purposes. You pointed out the offence of no
                insurance and then you cautioned him to which the response



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