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P. 242

Q So we’ve got in terms of your - obviously informing your thinking of why he — why
          you thought he was working, you’ve got — it was a -- it was a week day and it was
          during working hours? Yes?
          A Yes.

          Q That’s equally consistent with going to see someone about future work? Would you
          A Yes, it’s — in and of itself it’s not enough, no.

          Q You make the point about his what you say were working clothes covered in paint and
          A Yes.

          Q I suggest to you you’re wrong about that and in fact he had on maybe scruffy jeans but
          he wasn’t in workmen’s clothing?
          A (No audible reply)

          Q You’re wrong, aren’t you? He had scruffy jeans on but he didn’t have workmen’s
          A Well, I — I can’t recall the exact clothing but he looked to me like a builder from the
          paint, the — the dirt on his clothes.

          Q But we’ve got no description of the clothing really, have we?
          A If I just refer to my notes. Yes. In my statement all I — all I say is that they were
          dressed in clothing covered with paint and other dirt.

          Q Jeans, overalls, colour?
          A I don’t recall.

          Q This was a point you raised with him by the roadside and he explained to you that these
          weren’t his — these weren’t working clothes. Do you recall that?
          A No, I don’t recall that, no.

          Q The cards that you rely on to -- that informed your thinking. Did you seize any of these
          A Yes, I did seize one of those business cards.

          Q Have you got it?
          A No. Unfortunately I do not have it with me.
          Q Why not?
          A I was unable to obtain it from the property store at Kennington police station.

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