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Condition 57. You must allow our employees,        Our usual practice is to give at least 24 hours’
           representatives and contractors to come            written notice that we need to access your
           into your property to service any electrical       property. In case of an emergency or when
           and gas supplies and appliances that we are        urgent health and safety repairs are required, we
           responsible for maintaining.                       may have to enter your property without giving
                                                              notice and, if necessary, force entry.
           Condition 58. You must allow our employees,
           representatives and contractors into your          If we need to carry out work to the outside of
           property to carry out repairs, servicing,          your block, we will ask you to remove objects
           inspections, or other works, where we              from your individual balcony. If you refuse to
           consider it necessary.                             remove them and your refusal means that we are
                                                              unable to complete the planned work, we will
           Condition 59. You must allow our employees,        move the objects and may dispose of them.
           representatives and contractors into your
           property if we need to carry out work to an        If we require access to your home and you prevent
           adjoining property, and there is no other          us from entering, and this causes further damage
           reasonable means of access (examples of            to your property or to another, we may charge
           such works are, but not limited to,                you for any repairs that then become necessary.
           scaffolding, access to boundary walls,             You should always ask contractors or workers for
           roofing, tree works).
                                                              official identification before you let them into your
           If we need to carry out any work to your property,   property. If they do not have proof of identity, you
           we will give you adequate notice of the date and   can refuse to allow them into your home.
           the reason. If you refuse us access, or we are
           unable to gain access, we will apply to the court   2.11  Fences
           for permission to gain entry to carry out the
           works.                                             Condition 60. You are responsible for
                                                              keeping dividing fences in good repair and
           If the court gives us permission, you will be      not causing any willful damage to fencing.
           responsible for the court costs and any additional   We will only repair or replace boundary fences
           costs that result from us not being able to gain   and gates where the fence separates your garden
           access to your property.                           from a public right of way; for example, a road or

           If you live in a flat or maisonette we may need to   alleyway. We will not necessarily replace any such
           carry out work or repairs on your block for which   fencing in a similar style or material as the
           we will require access to a number of properties.   previous one.
           If we need to come into your property, we will
           give you adequate notice of the date and the       2.12  Temporary vacation of property
           reason. If, on that date, we are unable to gain
           access to your property, we will force entry under   Condition 61. Where we consider it
                                                              necessary to carry out repairs,
           certain circumstances. Those circumstances         improvements or other works which cannot
           would be where:                                    be carried out with you and members of
           •  essential works could not be carried out unless   your household living in the property, we will
             all tenants give access on the date given        we will try to re-house you temporarily in a
           •  other tenants would be caused extreme           suitable alternative property.  If you are
             inconvenience or distress                        moved to an alternative property, you must
           • we would have to pay additional costs            return to the original property once the
           •  damage is being caused to communal parts;       works have been completed.
             for example, service ducts.
                                                              2.13  Gas safety
           The circumstances would be those that could        Condition 62. You must allow our employees
           result in a fire hazard, gas leak or flooding.     or contractors access to your home to carry
                                                              out a gas safety inspection.

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